Page 49 - Plastics News February 2023
P. 49


          Seasoning for bioplastics makes chemical sense                         DSM announces development
                                                                                    of AI with ability to add
                                                                                       colour to materials

                                                                                       SM Engineering  Materials
                                                                                  Dhas announced the launch
                                                                                  of Lucidiris. Lucidiris aims to help
                                                                                  customers reduce time to market
                                                                                  when developing colours of mate-
                                                                                  rials for a variety  of applications.
                                                                                  Besides predicting colour and me-
                                                                                  chanical properties,  DSM claims

             dding seasoning to food  often  lution, traditional petroleum-based   the technology can predict the
          Avastly  improves  the  result.  And  products slow down degradation and   envelope of potential colour space
          now,  a  team  of researchers from  can be off-putting for consumers who   within  critical  mechanical  proper-
          Korea and the Nordic countries has  prefer natural, biologically sourced in-  ties and prescribe recipes for tar-
          shown that what goes for dinner, ap-  gredients.                        geted  colour properties.  Lucidiris
          parently also goes for biobased, bio-  The scientists theorised that what   has been  developed  for several
          degradable plastics.                                                    material grades and will be extend-
                                             works for food might well also work   ed, including recycled-based  and
          A study published in the ACS journal  for biodegradable plastics. They  ex-  repurposed materials.
          Sustainable  Chemistry  &  Engineer-  perimented  with  the  use  of season-
          ing under the title Toward Sustaining  ings such as citric acid and cream of   According to the company, this pat-
          Bioplastics: Add a Pinch of Seasoning  tartar - the latter being a well-known   ent protected Artificial Intelligence
          reports that adding seasoning to the  solution for creating thick, stable egg   (AI)  technology  facilitates  the  de-
          recipe for  biobased, biodegradable  whites and whipped cream, for exam-  velopment of material recipes with
          plastics can boost the strength of the  ple.                            targeted  optical properties  while
          polymer to a measurable degree.                                         assuring mechanical properties.
                                             Jeyoung  Park, Dongyeop Oh,  Hyeo-
          Biodegradable polymers, by their very  nyeol Jeon, Jun Mo Koo and their col-  DSM claims that with Lucidiris,
          nature, tend to lack strength, as they  leagues  then  seasoned a biodegrad-  customers will be supported by
          are built to disintegrate.  As the re-  able bioplastic called poly(butylene   its ability to:
          searchers pointed out, the more easily  succinate)  (PBS) with  fruit-derived   •  Predict colour and mechanical
          these materials break down, the flim-  tartaric acid or citric acid to discover   properties of polymer com-
          sier they are, tearing apart from the  whether adding either of these could   pounds upon addition of col-
          slightest  pressure.  “The  thermome-  improve  the  plastic’s  mechanical   our ingredients.
          chanical performance requirements  properties.                          •  Predict  envelope  of potential
          of  consumer products are required   Their findings bore out their theory.   colour space that can be pro-
          to match the nondegradable plastics;   As they wrote: “The developed “sea-  duced within critical mechani-
          consequently,  the  development  of   soning” brings the properties of PBS,
          commercially available biodegradable   one of the most underwhelming bio-   cal properties.
          products has reached its current non-  degradable and biorenewable poly-  •  Prescribe colour ingredients
          evolving state,” they wrote.       mers, to a new level.”                   to add to a polymer com-

          While additives could provide a so-                                         pound to meet targeted prop-

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