Page 11 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 11


                                     AIPMA's Webinar on Budget 2025

                                               4th February, 2025

          IN PARTNERSHIP WITH:                                  law firm based in India. The firm has offices in
                                                                14 cities and has over 475 professionals special-
          Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan Attorneys
                                                                izing in areas such as corporate & commercial
          AIPMA organized a webinar with Lakshmiku-             laws, dispute resolution, taxation and intellectual
          maran and Sridharan Attorneys on “Budget              property. Over the last three decades, they have
          2025”. The event focused on understanding the         worked with a variety of clients – start-ups, small
          key Provisions of the Finance Bill for 2025-2026.     & medium enterprises, large Indian corporates
                                                                and multinational companies. L&S professionals
          The program started with Mr. Mallikarjun              have experience of working in both traditional
          Javali – Director General, AIPMA, introducing         sectors such as commodities, automobile, phar-
          Mr. Manoj R. Shah - President AIPMA and Mr.           maceuticals,  petrochemicals  and modern  sec-
          Arvind  Mehta,  Chairman  -  Governing  Council       tors such as e-commerce, big data, renewables.
          AIPMA who set the note for the program.               They combine the knowledge of the law with in-

          OUR EXPERTS FOR THE EVENING WERE:                     dustry experience to design legal solutions that
                                                                their clients can implement.
          1.  Mr. Rohan Muralidharan, Associate Partner,        Key Takeaways:
             Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan
                                                                ♦   Amendments related to Updated Return of
          2.  Mr. Karanjyot Singh, Partner, Lakshmiku-              Income effective from 1st April, 2025
             maran & Sridharan
                                                                ♦   Amendments related to TDS/TCS
          3.  Mr. B Venkatramanan, Associate Partner,
             Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan                         ♦   Amendments in Slab Rates – New Re-
          4.  Mr. Kunal Nikumbh, Associate Partner, Lak-        ♦   Rate Changes for Goods Falling under Chap-
             shmikumaran & Sridharan
                                                                    ter 39 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975
          The event focused on addressing the hits &            After the presentation by the experts, the floor
          misses of the Budget and the finer nuances of         was left open for Q & A round to answer any
          the provisions of the finance bill 2025. The ses-     doubts of Participants. Panelists and experts
          sion also facilitated the delegates to know the       from L&S answered the question & answer ses-
          effects  of  the  new  bill  in  the  different  aspects   sion with great aplomb and the webinar ended
          like; Income Tax, Customs Laws & Procedures to        with Vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Anil Reddy
          analyse the tax implications of the Union Budget.     Vennam, Senior Vice President - AIPMA.
          All the Expert speakers very well explained the
          most important updates for the concerned as-          The Webinar was attended by over 50 people
          pects which was very helpful for the attendees.       from the Plastic Industries.

          Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan is a full-service

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