Page 14 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 14
39206220 Flexible and plain sheets and film of non-cellu- 154.4 203.25 31.60%
lar polyethylene terephthalate, not reinforced,
laminated, supported or similarly combined
with other materials, without backing, un-
39206290 Other sheets and film of non-cellular polyeth- 54.41 69.72 28.10%
ylene terephthalate, not reinforced, laminated,
supported or similarly combined with other
materials, without backing, unworked
39206919 Other sheets and film of non-cellular polyes- 70.29 73.95 5.20%
ters, not reinforced, laminated, supported or
similarly combined with other materials, not
39206929 Other sheets and film of non-cellular polyes- 45.86 66.5 45.00%
ters, not reinforced, laminated, supported or
similarly combined with other materials, not
39219094 Flexible and metallised sheets and film of plas- 58.96 87.57 48.50%
tics, reinforced, laminated, supported or simi-
larly combined with other materials, unworked
39219096 Flexible and laminated sheets and film of plas- 47.84 57.47 20.10%
tics, reinforced, laminated, supported or simi-
larly combined with other materials, unworked
39219099 Other sheets and film of plastics, reinforced, 89.6 109.44 22.10%
laminated, supported or similarly combined
with other materials, unworked
39232100 Sacks and bags, incl. cones, of polymers of 152.77 164.85 7.90%
39232990 Other sacks and bags of plastics excl. those of 315.71 351.42 11.30%
polymers of ethylene
39235010 Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plas- 50.38 55.8 10.80%
39239090 Other articles for the conveyance or packaging 137 154.55 12.80%
of goods, of plastics
39241090 Other tableware and kitchenware, of plastics 72.38 76.25 5.30%
39249090 Other household articles and toilet articles of 51.16 49.45 -3.30%
39269080 Polypropylene articles n.e.s 154.92 191.41 23.60%
39269099 Other articles of plastics n.e.s 350.96 381.42 8.70%
48239019 Decorative laminates 226.52 237.59 4.90%
54072090 Other woven fabrics of strip or the like, of syn- 75.28 93.63 24.40%
thetic filament
56074900 Twine, cordage, ropes and cables of polyethyl- 82.26 97.33 18.30%
ene or polypropylene
14 PLASTICS NEWS February 2025