Page 12 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 12


                       Analysis of India’s Plastics Export: December 2024

          India's plastics export sector plays a significant    ber 2024 reached USD 9,324 million, indicating
          role in the country's trade landscape. This report    a notable increase  of 9.4% compared  to USD
          presents a detailed analysis of the trends in plas-   8,520 million during the same period in 2023.
          tic exports for December 2024, comparing them
          with the previous year and evaluating the overall     Exhibit 1: Trend in plastics export by India
          performance from April to December 2024. With         PLASTICS EXPORT PERFORMANCE:
          insights into key product categories, market dy-
          namics, and growth patterns, this report aims to      The export performance of various plastic prod-
          provide stakeholders with valuable information        uct categories showcased diverse trends in De-
          on the state of India's plastic exports.              cember 2024. Some categories, such as Flex-
                                                                ible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBC), woven
          TREND  IN  PLASTICS  EXPORT  India  exported          sacks,  woven  fabrics,  tarpaulins,  plastic  films,
          plastics worth USD 1,100 million in December          and sheets, witnessed substantial growth. Oth-
          2024, a slight decrease of 1.3% compared to           ers, including consumer and houseware prod-
          USD 1,115 million in December 2023. However,          ucts, plastic raw materials, and medical items of
          cumulative plastic exports from April to Decem-
                                                                plastics, experienced a decline.

                                                                                                     (USD Million)

                        Exhibit 2: Details of % change seen in top 50 items of export

            HS Code    Description                                    Apr 23 - Dec   Apr 24 - Dec    Growth (%)
                                                                      23 (USD Mn)    24 (USD Mn)
           32049000    Masterbatch & additives                            71.92          79.21            7.29%
                                                      RAW MATERIALS
           39011090    Other polyethylene with a specific gravity of <    75.18          51.98         -30.90%
                       0.94, in primary forms
           39012000    Polyethylene with a specific gravity of >= 0.94,   117.98         111.96         -5.10%
                       in primary forms
           39014010    Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE)            87.45          151.27        73.00%

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