Page 55 - Plastics News February 2025
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(EPS) largely depends on the effectiveness of its it from landfills or energy from waste and con-
collection and recycling systems. Unlike materi- verting it into new products.
als that are collected through standard house-
hold recycling programs, EPS requires alterna- The BPF's EPS Group launched an EPS Recyclers
tive collection methods which vary across the Map in January 2025 (pictured above), making it
UK. easier than ever to locate facilities that recycle
Expanded Polystyrene. Whether you're a busi-
Some local authorities have taken the initiative ness, organisation or local authority, this tool of-
to collect EPS at Household Waste Recycling fers a comprehensive list of EPS recycling cen-
Centres (HWRCs). Meanwhile some business tres near you, with easy-to-navigate features to
businesses for example Curry’s have introduced find drop-off locations and contact details. A
take-back schemes to facilitate EPS recycling. step forward in reducing waste and promoting a
Innovatively some recycling companies are pi- circular economy.
loting unique collection trials such as programs
launched at universities in Glasgow and Edin- The BPF Recycling Roadmap projects that by
burgh showcasing creative approaches to tackle the year 2030 100 tonnes of chemically recy-
the EPS recycling challenge. cled material will be processed annually, rising
to 400 tonnes by 2035. With mass balance now
The main challenge is around public awareness accepted in the UK there is optimism that this
as consumers may be confused where they can will stimulate additional investment. However, a
recycle their EPS packaging as there are no clear and dedicated timeline for implementation
standardised collection programmes. Therefore, is urgently needed.
educating consumers about where they can re-
cycle is key to improving collection rates further. While challenges exist, the material's benefits
and the ongoing advancements in collection and
What is The Future of EPS Recycling? recycling practices demonstrate that it can be
part of a sustainable future. By supporting and
To further improve the sustainability of EPS, adopting innovative solutions, we can reduce
stakeholders across the value chain are actively EPS waste and maximise its value in a circular
exploring innovative solutions. One such oppor- economy.
tunity lies in chemical recycling which enables
the sector to process EPS waste from construc- Source - BPF
tion projects. Even when contaminated with oth-
er materials it is possible to recycle it and divert
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February 2025 PLASTICS NEWS 55