Page 53 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 53
Architectured Silicones: Bridging Opposite
Architectured silicones designed through 3D
printing offer innovative solutions for combining
creep resistance and autonomous self-healing.
These materials integrate permanent and dy-
namic covalent bonds into multilayer structures,
enabling applications in biomedical devices and
robotics. For instance, vascular tubes fabricated
with this approach have demonstrated the abil-
ity to restore functionality after severe mechani-
cal damage. The design, inspired by biological
architectures, reconciles seemingly contradic-
tory properties, allowing the silicones to resist
deformation while autonomously repairing cuts
or tears. This advancement paves the way for
robust, long-lasting, and versatile materials in
critical applications.
breakthrough. These materials, doped with ac- The convergence of vitrimers, supramolecular
tivated polypyrrole nanotubes (acPPyNTs), uti- hydrogels, and architectured silicones is reshap-
lize hydrogen bonds to achieve self-healing at ing the landscape of polymer science. These
temperatures above 75 C. With a specific ca- materials improve sustainability by reducing the
pacitance of 316.86 mF cm , tensile strength of need for replacements and open new avenues
0.9 MPa, and elasticity of 1300%, they excel in in biomedicine, energy storage, flexible elec-
flexible supercapacitor applications and high- tronics, and industrial coatings. Integrating self-
strength self-healable supercapacitor. Such de- healing technologies into practical applications
vices offer high-performance energy storage for signifies a major leap forward, addressing envi-
portable electronics, maintaining functionality ronmental and functional challenges in modern
even after mechanical damage. The hydrogels’ material science.
unique combination of mechanical durability, en-
ergy density, and ease of repair by thermal ac- Source – Plastics engineering
tivation positions them as a superior alternative
for future energy systems.
February 2025 PLASTICS NEWS 53