Page 54 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 54


         Expanded Polystyrene: The Versatile Material

         Shaping Sustainability and Innovation

                                                                What Makes EPS Sustainable?

                                                                There are many misperceptions around the sus-
                                                                tainability of EPS but here are some of the facts:

                                                                Energy Efficiency in Production: EPS is com-
                                                                posed of 98% air, making it resource-efficient in
                                                                terms of raw material use. It also has a relatively
                                                                low carbon footprint during production com-
                xpanded Polystyrene (EPS) is an incred-         pared to alternative materials.
                ibly versatile material used across a wide
          Erange of applications. Its lightweight and           Thermal Insulation:  In construction, EPS pro-
          durable nature, combined with excellent ther-         vides excellent thermal insulation, reducing en-
          mal insulation properties, makes it indispensable     ergy consumption and greenhouse gas emis-
          in various industries. For instance, EPS is com-      sions over the lifespan of buildings.
          monly used in packaging to safeguard products
          during transportation. Whether it’s protecting        Recyclability: EPS is 100% recyclable and wide-
          fresh produce and ensuring it stays at optimal        ly collected for recycling. It is often recycled into
          temperatures over long distances, or securing         new products for example back into packaging,
          heavy items like refrigerators and washing ma-        picture frames, insulation for homes and busi-
          chines, EPS is a reliable choice. It’s also widely    nesses and more.
          utilised for fish boxes due to its ability to main-   EPS is 100% recyclable and thousands of tonnes
          tain freshness.                                       are recycled every year from the UK. Industry

                                                                experts have drawn upon existing data to es-
          Beyond packaging, EPS plays a crucial role in
          the building and construction sector, civil engi-     timate that 66% of EPS packaging disposed of
          neering  and  is  such  a  versatile  material  that  it   in the UK was recycled in 2023. * This is much
          even features in stage props for films. As insu-      higher than many other materials and a great
          lation, it significantly reduces energy consump-      milestone for the industry but the industry want
          tion, keeping homes warm in winter and cool           even higher rates to reach a circular economy.
          in  summer.  Imagine  enduring  a  chilly  winter  in   Alongside this, EPS is currently recycled in at
          a house without insulation—it’s a scenario that       least 38 countries across four continents.
          would undoubtedly dampen the festive cheer at
          Christmas! EPS's energy efficiency and protec-        What Challenges Exist in Collecting and Recy-
          tive qualities make it a cornerstone material in      cling EPS?
          both industrial and everyday applications.
                                                                The sustainability of Expanded Polystyrene

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