Page 24 - Plastics News January 2018
P. 24

Commemorating a decade of KRAIBURG TPE presence in India

          KRAIBURG TPE celebrates 10 years of success in the Indian market

             his year marks the  10th  year of continuous  growth   and are resistant to disinfectants. Their quality is assured
          Tand success for KRAIBURG TPE, the global specialist in   by external laboratories conducting extensive tests (in
          thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) compounding in the Indian   accordance with USP VI, ISO 10993-4, -5, -10, -11).
          and Sri Lanka markets, through KRAIBURG TPE Private
          Limited in India. To support both markets, the company   Creative consumer applications
          operates offices in Bangalore, Delhi, Pune and Ahmedabad.
                                                                For consumer applications, KRAIBURG TPE continues to
          A decade of growth and success                        expand its presence in the Indian and Sri Lanka markets

          Although officially registered in 2006, KRAIBURG TPE India   by offering TPEs that meet international food compliance
          regularized its operations only in 2007 when it began doing   standards.
          business in the country through a representative based in   Aside from providing its customers with a great
          Mumbai. The India office subsequently hired its first sales   n u mb e r of ou t st a n di n g st a n d a rd  se ri e s,
          manager in the country to liaise with local customers and   KRAIBURG TPE also provides custom-engineered products
          to establish connections with the medical and consumer   specifically designed to meet new material requirements
          markets in the Southern and Northern India regions as well.  for creative and innovative applications. This is especially

          In 2012, KRAIBURG TPE India took a major step forward   true for companies that evolve and meet fast-changing
          in expanding its business when it established its own   consumer trends.
          operations office and warehouse facility in Bangalore, and   KRAIBURG TPE’s newly launched range of high-tech VS/AD/
          even deployed a sales team to Pune and Delhi.         HM series offers silky, satin-smooth surfaces that feature
          Advancing excellence in the Indian market             high scratch and abrasion resistance as well as durability,
                                                                and resistance against chemicals, specifically for consumer
          KRAIBURG  TPE is a global competence leader for       and consumer electronics applications.
          thermoplastic elastomer compounds, offering custom-
          engineered and customized solutions for specific needs   Accelerating automotive applications
          in the four core markets: automotive, consumer, industry   The use of TPEs in India’s automotive sectors is increasing,
          and medical.                                          because of their unique product advantages. Depending on
          Revolutionizing medical applications                  material requirements, the TPEs fulfill OEM specifications
                                                                and they are used in the exterior, interior as well as
          To meet India’s growing demand for TPEs for medical
                                                                in  under  the  hood  applications. Their  extraordinarily
          applications, KRAIBURG TPE offers a broad and varied   high weather and UV resistance is particularly valued –
          portfolio of medical products, which currently no other
                                                                especially in combination with their good flow properties.
          local TPE manufacturer is offering.
                                                                Optimized scratch resistance as well as low VOC and
          THERMOLAST® M products stand for highest standards    fogging values mean numerous interior components
          and responsibility. They offer optimum safety through
                                                                are made from  certain  series. Additionally,  other
          the KRAIBURG TPE Medical Service Package. This means   formulas contain optimal sealing and vibration-damping
          compliance  with  clean  room  classifications  during
                                                                characteristics as well as temperature, oil, and grease
          processing at customer’s site, guarantee of optimum raw   resistance. This profile makes them ideal for applications
          material purity and no use of latex, PVC and phthalates.
                                                                inside the engine compartment or in the underbody.
          The compounds can be sterilized using customary methods

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