Page 69 - Plastics News January 2023
P. 69


          plastic waste management norms are  president Anil Patil and Sahil Pendse  There  are more than 50,000  plastic
          strictly followed, there is nothing else  were present.                entrepreneurs  in the  country. Also,
          like it." Srisundu Mukherjee, entrepre-  Huge opportunity for plastic export  95 percent of them are MSMEs. We
          neur Sunil Raithatha, representatives                                  focus on the domestic market. But
          of BPCL, HPCL, Indian Oil, GAIL and  Entrepreneur  Raithatha said, "Plas-  there is a huge opportunity for plastic
          Mazagon Dock participated. Massia's  tic industry is divided into two types  exports. The  government  has many
          Kishore Rathi and Manish Agarwal in-  namely  production and processing.  schemes for the plastic industry."
          teracted with the experts. Massia vice  Both  industries  are  interdependent.

          Province adds more items to B.C.’s recycling systems
                                                                                 •  plastic hangers (that come with
                                                                                 •  paper  plates,  bowls and cups
                                                                                     (with thin plastic lining);

                                                                                 •  aluminum foil;
                                                                                 •  aluminum-foil baking dishes and
                                                                                     pie plates; and
                                                                                 •  metal storage tins (thin gauge).
                                                                                 Examples of flexible plastics now ac-
                                                                                 cepted at depots only:
                                                                                 •  plastic sandwich and freezer
                                                                                 •  plastic shrink wrap;
                                                                                 •  flexible  plastic  drop  sheets  and
             eople  throughout  British  Colum-  "Our  government  is  working  to  en-  •  flexible  plastic  bubble  wrap  (no
          Pbia will now find it easier and con-  sure that people in B.C. can help to   bubble wrap-lined paper);
          venient to recycle a wider array of  keep  their  communities  and the  en-  •  flexible  plastic  recycling  bags
          single-use plastic items and packaging  vironment healthy. By expanding our
          products in their residential blue box  nation-leading recycling  system to   (blue, clear bags, or yellow or
                                                                                     blue bags used for curb-side col-
          or at participating recycling depots.  include more products, we are keep-  lection);
          These items include products that are   ing more plastic out of our waterways   •  flexible plastic carry-out shopping
          generally disposed of after a single or   and landfills," said Aman Singh, Parlia-  bags (reusable).
          one-  time  use,  such  as plastic  sand-  mentary  Secretary  for Environment.
          wich bags or throw-away party cups,   "People across the province can now  "This  expanded materials  list  will al-
          bowls and plates.  Single-use  plastics   recycle  a wider  array of single-  use  low more material to be recycled,
          are  one of the  most  common items   plastics and other materials  in their  keep it out of landfills and stop it from
          found on B.C. shores.              blue bins and at recycling  depots.  littering the environment," said Tama-
          These regulations are separate from   This builds on the significant progress  ra Burns, executive director, Recycle
          the  federal  ban on the  manufactur-  we've  made  through  the  CleanBC  BC. "Residents play a key role in recy-
                                                                                 cling this material by enabling it to be
          ing and importing of single-use plas-  Plastics Action Plan."
          tics, which came into effect on Dec.   Newly  accepted blue-box items in-  collected – by putting it into their bins
                                                                                 or taking materials to a depot."
          20, 2022. B.C.'s recycling  regulatory   clude:
          changes cover a broader category of  •  plastic plates, bowls and cups;  B.C. regulates the largest number of
          single-use  products and further en-  •  plastic cutlery and straws;   residential  packaging  and products
          sures that exemptions to the ban are   •  plastic food storage containers;  in Canada through its extended pro-
          recycled.                                                              ducer responsibility programs, where

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