Page 64 - Plastics News January 2023
P. 64


          Simple, Cheap Hybrid Technology Joins Galvanized Steel and Polymers

                                             rough nanoscale needle structures on  HWT conditions on the tensile shear
                                             the true surface, explained a press re-  strength were evaluated and the op-
                                             lease on the university website. When  timized  strength  reached  23  MPa.”
                                             a polymer is applied to the treated   The  process can be  adapted for a
                                             metal in a process called injection-  range  of hybrid  joining  applications
                                             molded direct joining, it fills in the tiny   in which metal and plastic parts need
                                             gaps  and ridges  between  and within   to be permanently bonded, said sen-
             he technique discovered by re-  the needle structures, thereby creat-  ior author Yusuke Kajihara. "Further-
          Tsearchers at the University of To-  ing  very  strong  mechanical  linkages.   more, our method does not use harsh
          kyo does not use harsh chemicals or   "We found that immersion in hot wa-  chemicals or complicated procedures
          complicated  procedures.Composite   ter was a simple and effective method   and, thus, is suited to the scale-up
          materials are popular  in automotive   for producing nanoscale structures on   required for industrial applications,”
          and other applications to reduce the   the zinc coating for the polymer to ad-  added Kajihara. This work could lead
          weight of components while enhanc-  here to, but that prior acid-washing to   to  optimization  of polymer-metal
          ing durability. Bonding polymers with   remove the passive layer was a neces-  joining,  which  would  be  a  significant
          galvanized steel poses some prob-  sary step for this to occur," explained   asset to the  manufacturing industry-
          lems, however, as it requires harsh   the paper’s lead author, Weiyan Chen.  account, among other things,” says
          chemicals and specialized equipment,  The group also showed how the ten-  Wenz. The initial pilot projects with
          and is ill-suited to mass production  sile-shear strength increased with the  industry partners are also already un-
          processes, according to researchers  complexity of the nanoscale structures  derway.  The  research  team  expects
          at the Institute  of  Industrial Science  on the galvanized steel surface. By op-  that initially, programmable materials
          at the University of Tokyo. They have  timizing  the  hot  water  temperature  will act as replacements for compo-
          developed  what they  call a cheap  and treatment time to achieve peak  nents in existing systems or be used
          and simple hybrid joining technology  complexity in the nanoscale structur-  in special applications such as medical
          based on injection molding and a hot-  ing, the team was able to significantly  mattresses,  comfortable chairs, vari-
          water treatment. The  technique is  increase the tensile-shear  strength  able damping shoe soles and protec-
          described in a paper published in the  compared with untreated  metal.  tive clothing. “Gradually, the propor-
          Journal of Manufacturing Processes.  “We  successfully  obtained  strong   tion of programmable materials used
          The  bonding method  entails pre-  joints of [galvanized high-strength   will increase,” says Andrä. Ultimately,
          treating  the galvanized steel  with an  steel] and polybutylene  terephtha-  they can be used everywhere – from
          acid wash and dipping it in hot water.  late (PBT) via HWT [hot-water treat-  medicine and sporting goods to soft
          The acid wash strips the outer pas-  ment]  with minimal damage to the   robotics and even  space research.
          sive layer on the zinc coating of the  zinc coating,” the  researchers write
          steel, allowing the hot water to form  in the paper abstract. “The effects of

          UCR scientists develop method to turn plastic waste into potentially valu-
          able soil additive

                                                  niversity  of California, River-  dul-Aziz, a UCR assistant profes-
                                             Uside,  scientists have moved a  sor of chemical  and environmental
                                             step  closer  to  finding  a  use  for  the  engineering,  and her  colleagues  de-
                                             hundreds of millions of tons of plas-  tailed  a method to convert  plastic
                                             tic waste produced every  year that  waste  into a highly  porous form of
                                             often winds up clogging  streams  charcoal or char  that  has  a  whop-
                                             and rivers  and polluting  our oceans.  ping surface area of about 400
                                             In a recent  study, Kandis Leslie  Ab-  square meters per gram of mass.

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