Page 54 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
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renewable sources. However, most manufac- production of virgin plastics by 30-80%.
turers do not use the recycled materials in this
technology. This raises concerns about environ- Manufacturers Using Recycled Materials
mental impact, especially when people generate Filamentive PETg is a recycled 3D printer fila-
waste or single-use parts. As a result, the use ment made from pre-consumer recycled materi-
of recycled materials for 3D printing enables the als, as it is created using discarded PETg plastic
reduction of virgin material consumption. waste obtained from a manufacturer. The com-
pany behind this product, focuses on producing
From Plastic Waste to Feedstock for 3D Print- environmentally friendly filaments by incorpo-
ing rating recycled materials.
Fishy Filaments is a company that produces 3D
printer filaments from recycled fishing nets. Their
primary focus is on collecting discarded fishing
nets from the fishing industry, which manufac-
turers make from durable materials like nylon,
and turning them into high-quality, sustainable
3D printing filaments. By upcycling these waste
materials, Fishy Filaments helps reduce plastic
pollution in the oceans, offering an eco-friendly
alternative to traditional filaments made from
virgin plastics. Manufacturers create strong, re-
silient filaments that are suitable for various 3D
printing applications, especially those requiring
Various scientific studies are evaluating the suit- durability, such as prototyping and functional
ability of recycled materials for use in 3D printing parts. Fillamentum will soon offer two filament
in terms of performance in the printing process products: Porthcurno, which is ideal for aesthet-
and the quality of parts manufactured with recy- ic applications like homewares and fashion due
cled materials vs. conventional materials. Some to its translucent blue/green color, and OrCA,
studies propose Chemical Recycling through py- which engineers designed for engineering uses
rolysis as an alternative method to convert plas- and that can incorporate materials like graphene
tic wastes to raw materials for 3D printing. and carbon fibers.
The Journey of Recycled Filaments in 3D Print- The use of recycled plastics in 3D printing pro-
poses a circular economy solution that enables
the reduction of waste and carbon footprint.
Currently, manufacturers use over 30% of plas-
tic materials in 3D printing, but they end up as Source – Plastics Engineering
waste. Utilizing recycled plastic to produce high-
quality FDM filament for 3D printing not only
helps reduce waste going to landfills but also
decreases energy consumption. This approach
can lower carbon emissions associated with the
54 PLASTICS NEWS January 2025