Page 56 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 56
Redefining excellence in
self as the micro molding partner of choice, of-
fering a blend of technical expertise, production
capacity, and reliability that is difficult to match.
Unique capabilities
Precision micromoulding is not simply about
manufacturing small plastic parts. It is a highly
specialised process that requires expertise
across design, tooling, moulding, assembly, and
quality assurance. Micromoulding suppliers must
The modern era of advanced manufacturing is go far beyond the traditional mould-and-press
defined by a relentless drive toward miniaturi- approach, offering a comprehensive, vertically
sation. Across industries such as medical, elec- integrated solution that ensures every step of
tronics, automotive, and telecommunications, the development and production process is op-
the demand for micro plastic components with timised. This is where Accumold excels.
impeccable precision is growing rapidly.
The company’s strength lies in its ability to take
Yet, producing such components at the neces- full control of the product development cycle,
sary scale and with uncompromising quality is a from design for micromoulding (DfMM) to final
challenge that only a handful of micromoulding production. Accumold’s vertically integrated
experts can address. Among these, Accumold operations eliminate the risks associated with
distinguishes itself through its unrivaled capa- outsourcing, such as delays, miscommunication,
bilities, exceptional scalability, and steadfast or variations in quality. By keeping all critical ca-
commitment to sustainability — both in terms pabilities in-house, Accumold ensures complete
of environmental responsibility and financial ro- control over the process, providing customers
bustness. with unmatched consistency and precision.
The process of selecting a micromoulding part- Accumold’s expertise begins with design and
ner is no small task. For many companies, suc- material selection. In the world of micromould-
cess in product development depends less on ing, small adjustments in design can significantly
technology selection and more on supplier selec- impact manufacturability, tolerances, and per-
tion. While micromoulding suppliers may seem formance. Accumold’s engineering team works
similar on the surface, the true differentiators — closely with customers to refine designs, en-
like experience, vertical integration, operational suring they are optimised for production while
scale, and financial stability — become apparent meeting functional requirements. This collabora-
only under scrutiny. Accumold has positioned it- tive approach reduces the risk of costly rede-
56 PLASTICS NEWS January 2025