Page 59 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 59


          Innovative Plastic Recycling

          Technologies Transforming Waste Management

                                                                liarities of the solutions under consideration, it is
                                                                pertinent to begin by giving one a foretaste of
                                                                the daunting task that is managing plastic waste.
                                                                Plastics are manufactured products which origi-
                                                                nate from petrochemicals and they are a com-
                                                                mon feature in most societal use since they are
                                                                cheap, durable and are versatile in use. But on
                                                                the same note, these properties that make them
                                                                easy to use also make it so difficult to dispose
                                                                the same products.

                                                                The types of plastics that manufacture occupy
                  iffusion of plastics is among the most        majority are considered to take time of up to 500
                  significant  problems  that  the society      years to degrade and are not biodegradable. A
          Dhas faced in the current age. Every year             United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
          many tons of plastic wastes are chucked to the        report gives a projection that approximately 8
          landfills, seas, oceans, and any natural system       million tons of plastic is dumped into the seas
          with enduring negative impacts on people and          every year and affect life and ecosystems. On
          the environment. Traditional methods for deal-        land, eradicating the plastics meant burning or
          ing with plastics have been in the market for         throwing them in the dumps with the intention of
          several years now but advances in technology          allowing the plastics to emit toxic substances to
          is providing new means of dealing with it. These      the soil and the aerial atmosphere.
          innovations  are  not only  designing  solutions  in
          relation to the escalating motion of plastics, but    A major issue that contributes to the inefficient
          they are generating novel opportunities for sus-      recycling  process  of  traditional  plastic  recy-
          tainability and recovery of raw materials.            clers is the type of plastic accepted by the facil-
                                                                ity, non-recyclable material that is often found
          Therefore, in this article, the reader will be pre-   mixed with the plastic and lack of proper infra-
          sented with insight into modern approaches to         structure. Often, plastic waste is, at best, down-
          recycling plastics, as well as demonstrations of      cycled, a process through which it is recycled to
          how each technology functions, its application,       make materials of lower quality that cannot be
          strength, and role in advancing a circular econ-      employed in products with great value-adds. It
          omy.                                                  so means that the actual amount of the plastic
                                                                waste that gets recycles is almost minimal and
          The Plastic Crisis: A Growing Challenge
                                                                the rest is either dumped in the landfills or incin-

          However, to appreciate the novelties and pecu-        erated.

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