Page 8 - Plastics News July 2020
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               AIPMA MANAGEMENT

          AIPMA plans to take forward a step into the domain of   Objective - AMTEC aims to enhance the competitiveness
          Education and Skill Development. To empower the MSME   of  the  plastics  industry  through  the  provision  of
          industrial  units  as  a  part  of  AIPMA,  the  skilled  and   professional services and training in innovation process,
          unskilled  human  resources  contributing  to  the  Plastic   technology,  and  management,  as  well  as  the  latest
          Processing industry. In order to mainstream the 'youth',   update on the industry. There is a need for assessing and
          'grabbing  aspiring  and  talented  individuals  from  one   accessing  the  for  all  plastic  processing  industries  to
          industry to another', AMTEC would be the first-of-its kind   acquire the type of skill set/ level in order to work with
          of initiative by a national association for Plastic.   new and advanced machineries (automated), over and
                                                                 above the primary, secondary and auxiliary equipment.
          Vision behind Amtec - AMTEC will be among the top
          Knowledge Management Centres leveraging world class    The  theoretical  as  well  as  practical  classroom  and
                                                                 laboratory training is found to be an integral part of the
          infrastructure, systems and people, delivering quality
          knowledge and services. The most significant factor is to   plastics and the allied sector. Employment generation is
          optimize operations/ increase quality and efficiency in   also linked to this initiative.
          the extremely fragmentized plastic processing industry.   Goals - 1) To bring the best practices and new improved
          India  has  to  meet  the  global  standards  of       technology  to  Indian  Plastics  Industry.  2)  AMTEC
          competitiveness,  boost  exports  and  excel  at  creating   emphasizes the adoption, adaptation, and application of
          one of the best pools of talent in the world.          advanced  and  appropriate  technology  in  the
                                                                 manufacturing  industry  for  Plastics.  3)  AMTEC
          Mission - To deliver greater value through technological
          leadership  and  manufacturing  excellence  that  are   strengthens  technology  promotion  mechanisms  and
          responsive  to  dynamic  market  needs,  leading  to   technology  transfer  networks,  as  well  as  foster
          domestic  and  export  growth,  making  India  a  Global   international  technological  cooperation.  4)  AMTEC
          Service  Hub  for  plastic  products.  To  attain  global   offers  services  to  MSMEs  in  the  context  of  identified
                                                                 technologies  and  clusters  with  respect  to  training,
          prowess in the present decade, AIPMA is investing into
          education, entrepreneurship and innovation space.      production  assistance  and  technical  advisory.  5.)  To
                                                                 provide Skill Development and training programs.
         Programs Offered-
         Phase I: Professional Training Courses:-

            Technical workshops, vocational         Management & Process             Manufacturing Technology
                courses, Bridge course

          Ÿ Creative Design                  Ÿ Business process automation       Ÿ Industry 4.0
          Ÿ Zero Effect Zero Defect           Ÿ Strategy, policy and governance   Ÿ 3D Printing
          Ÿ Current Trends and Innovation    Ÿ Knowledge management              Ÿ CAD/CAM
            in Engineering Plastics          Ÿ Process excellence                Ÿ CAE
          Ÿ Manufacturing and processing     Ÿ Performance excellence            Ÿ Plastic process & Machinery
                                             Ÿ Plant layout designing              technology
          Ÿ Logistics and supply chain       Ÿ Enterprise Application pre-
                                               investment analysis
          Ÿ Information & communication
          Ÿ Leadership Development
          Ÿ Training programs on Organizational
            Development and People

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