Page 12 - Plastics News July 2020
P. 12

Petrochemical giants would be affected by the marginal   PVC  and  PET  catering  to  sanitation  needs.  MPL  film
         growth in demand for polymers. In the Month of May'20,   plants are going to grow exponentially both domestically
         the capacity of polymer processors have come to 70-75%   and internationally.
         as addressed in his presentation. His observations with   Mr.  Gaurav  Kapoor  in  the  end  also  talked  about  the
         relation to the packaging/sanitation Industries: he saw   specific  training  modules  that  they  have  in  pipeline
         positive scale shifts in (1) Health & Hygiene Sector - India   keeping in mind the health and hygiene requirements of
         is producing 5 lakh PPE kits per day and N-95 masks. (2)   the industry.  The curriculums and their instructions of
         Industry has also invested hugely in 2019-20 in heavy   the  said  chemicals  and  practices  would  later  be
         machinery about Rs. 500 crores (31 machines imported
                                                                 approved by AIIMS/ the Ministry of Health.
         as compared to 2018) therefore, he saw a lot of potential
         in  polymers.  (3)  Innovative  developments  by  the   The session was widely appreciated among the peers and
         polymer manufacturers in Face-Shields, Gloves - once    local  manufacturers. The  feedback  and  response  was
         the Hospitality sector comes back in full swing made of   overwhelming during the Question and Answer session.

                                                           AIPMA MODERN AND

                                       UPDATE IT INFRASTRUCTURE

             Ÿ SAP Implementation.

             Ÿ Membership software installed with facilities like.
              F Proforma  invoices  related  to  all  the
                 membership  renewal  fees  has  been  sent
                 through the software for the rst time.
              F Details of members available at one click.

              F Uploading of all the old membership data in
                 the new module.
              F Performing  detailed  testing  of  all  the
                 transactions related with membership module.
              F which  includes  checking  of  various  reports  related  to

             Online Payment Facilities
             99% of transactions with Banks and vendors are now done online Integration of
             membership module with the PAYTM gateway so we can receive the payment
             online through our own payment gateway.

            July  2020                                      12                                      Plastics News
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