Page 11 - Plastics News July 2020
P. 11

LIVE Webinar Session on Post COVID-19 Scenario
                                          'Skills Required by the Industry'

                                       Virtual Conference Organized by AIPMA & RSDC

         This  digital  conference  was  organized  on  the  11th  of   Kapoor,  Senior  Head-  Industry  Partnership,  CSR
         June'20 (Thursday) to deliberate upon and discuss the   Engagements,  Media  & Advocacy  ;  Mr.  Vinod  Kumar,
         industry's  requirements  from  the  manpower  for  the   General  Manager,  Reliance  Industries  and  Mr.  Raju
         Short and Medium term time period in the post COVID-19   Desai, Managing Director, Jyoti Plastic Works.
         scenario.                                               The  discussion  entailed  sharing  the  overwhelming
         AIPMA organized this conference in association with the   change in the way which factories, manufacturing units
         Rubber Skill Development Council (RSDC). A Sector Skill   and processing industries are functioning now during the
         Council  set  up  under  the  aegis  of  Ministry  of  Skill   pandemic.  There  are  hygiene  factors,  shortage  of
         Development  &  Entrepreneurship,  is  focusing  on  skill   manpower  is  a  bigger  factor  and  logistics  has  also
         development & training needs of the Rubber, Chemicals   become  a  struggle.  Mr.  Arvind  Mehta,  Chairman  GC
         and Petrochemicals sector.                              Council and Mr. Deepak Ballani, DG AIPMA commenced
         The discussion was moderated by Ms. Meghna Mishra,      the interaction by their Welcome speech acknowledging
         CEO RSDC. She has assumed this position at RSDC since   this grave issue of reverse migration and the need to
         2016  and  carries  a  rich  experience  of  21+  years,  in   make  manufacturing  cost  effective  again.    Further
                                                                 ahead, Mr. Bheda and Mr. Desai put forth the need to up
         monitoring large initiatives of vocational training and is
         abreast  of  latest  digital  programs  and  certification   skill  and  re-skill  the  manpower  that  industries  have
         courses.                                                locally  available.  As  reverse  migration  is  a  huge
                                                                 challenge  that  industries  were  not  expecting,  post
         The questions that the panelists address were:
                                                                 Covid, the gap between the skilled and unskilled workers
           1.  A roadmap or list of skills the Petrochemical sector   who  were  contributing  to  the  petrochemical  industry
              foresees for the upcoming short (3-12 months) and   should  be  consciously  tapered.    Financial  constraints
              medium term (12-24 months).                        and  logistics  problems  are  also  faced  during  state
           2.  Role  of  Sector  skill  council  in  meeting  the   lockdown. AIPMA  members  extended  warm  thanks  to
              requirement of  new or modified skill/job role basis    their  new  governmental  training  partners  and  sector
              geographical distribution                          skill  councils  i.e  National  Skill  Development  Council
                                                                 (NSDC) and RSDC.
           3.  Any  other  relevant  fact/trend  about  the
              Petrochemical sector which may be relevant to the   To  delve  deeper  into  the  topic  presentations  by  Mr.
              current lockdown and beyond.                       Vinod  Kumar,  GM  Reliance  Ind.  gave  the  audience  a
                                                                 broader  view  of  what  to  expect  from  the  market
         The esteemed panelists who were invited for interaction
                                                                 opportunities,  post  Covid-19.  How  automation  and
         included Mr. Vinod Simon, Chairman Executive Director   manpower  would  be  balanced  at  a  micro  and  macro
         – Simmco Rubber & Plastic (P) Ltd; Mr. Hiten Bheda,
                                                                 level.  Also,  it  provided  great  insight  on  how  the
         Chairman AIPMA  Environment  Committee;  Mr.  Gaurav

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