Page 29 - Plastics News July 2021
P. 29


          8. ¶V &R RS WR UROO RXW SODVWLF                        Hong Kong EPD holds
          recycling scheme in stores this                        consultation on plastic tableware

          month                                                  regulations

             ritish supermarket chain The Co-operative (Co-op)       ong Kong’s Environmental
          Bwill roll out an in-store recycling scheme for plastic  HProtection Department
          bags and product wrapping this month. The scheme will   (EPD) has launched a two-
          PDNH WKH UHWDLOHU WKH ÀUVW 8. VXSHUPDUNHW WR XVH IXOO\   month public consultation on
          recyclable food packaging and is also intended to help   the Scheme on Regulation of
          address the ‘postcode lottery’ of kerbside recycling   Disposable Plastic Tableware.
          collections.As part of the initiative, Co-op will install   The scheme aims to reduce
          soft plastic recycling units across 1,500 of its stores this   the use of items such as
          month.By November, the retailer will install the units   expanded polystyrene (EPS)
          at another 800 stores, expanding the scheme to a total   tableware, straws, stirrers,
          of 2,300 stores.The initiative aims to ‘give new life’ to   forks, knives, spoons, plates,
          packaging materials that are unlikely to be collected   cups, cup lids, food bowls,
          E\ 8. FRXQFLOV  7KHVH PDWHULDOV LQFOXGH FULVS SDFNHWV    boxes and container lids.The scheme would initially
          bread bags, single-use carrier bags and bags-for-life, lids   ban catering businesses from providing EPS tableware
          from ready meals and yogurt pots, biscuit wrappers and   to customers, as well as the local sale of disposable
          pet-food pouches. Food packaging from other retailers   EPS tableware.  This is intended to protect the
          can also be collected at the in-store units. The retailer   environment and human health by reducing plastic
          estimates that 300t of plastic bags and food wrapping   pollution.The ongoing public consultation is due to
          could be collected each year once the bins are fully in   end on 8 September.An EPD spokesperson said: “The
                                                                 QHZO\  DQQRXQFHG  :DVWH  %OXHSULQW  IRU  +RQJ  .RQJ
          SODFH  &R RS )RRG &(2 -R :KLWÀHOG VDLG  ´$V ZH IDFH DQ   2035 proposes to strive towards achieving waste-
          environmental crisis, we know from our feedback that   free seas, whereas eliminating plastic at its source is
          there is a universal appetite for change, which is why   the most fundamental way to prevent plastic waste
          we are making it easier for thousands of households to   from entering the marine environment. “Facing the
          recycle all of their plastic food packaging. “This will not   imminent problems of marine plastic pollution and
          only prevent unnecessary waste but also reduce plastic
                                                                 climate change, places around the world have been
                                                                 committed to discouraging the use of single-use plastic
                                                                 products, including disposable plastic tableware and
                                                                 exploring the use of alternatives. “As a coastal city,
                                                                 Hong Kong shall not ignore the issue and has to pay
                                                                 extra attention to the problem of plastic pollution
                                                                 DQG LWV LPSDFW RQ WKH HQYLURQPHQW µ 7KH VFKHPH DOVR
                                                                 proposes that the regulation of non-EPS disposable
                                                                 plastic tableware be carried out in two phases. The
                                                                 ÀUVW SKDVH ZRXOG LQFOXGH EDQQLQJ DOO W\SHV RI GLVSRVDEOH
                                                                 plastic tableware from catering premises to customers
                                                                 for eat-in services but allowing them to be provided
          pollution. By offering a simple and convenient solution to   for takeaway services. The second phase would ban
          an everyday issue, we believe we can help communities   these items from takeaway services in a similar way
          to make small changes, that together will add up to a big   to their being banned for dine-in services. Earlier this
          GLIIHUHQFH  IRU  RXU  HQYLURQPHQW µ    &R RS  FDUULHG  RXW  D   year, the EPD held a public consultation on the Producer
             VWRUH ÀOP FROOHFWLRQ WULDO ODVW \HDU  ZKLFK IRXQG WKDW   Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers
                                                                 Hong Kong 2035.

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