Page 30 - Plastics News July 2021
P. 30


          Biffa completes plastics recycling                     Malaysia returning 81 illegal
          facility takeover                                      plastic waste containers

              K waste management firm has completed the             he Government of
          8acquisition of Scotland’s only post-consumer plastics  TMalaysia is currently in
          recycling facility (PRF) from Green Circle Polymers for £10   the process of returning
          million ($13.9m). Located in Grangemouth, the PRF is one   81 illegal plastic waste
          RI WKH ODUJHVW LQ WKH 8.  SURFHVVLQJ DURXQG        WRQQHV   containers back to their
          of plastics annually – including mixed plastics bottles,   countries of origin. In a
          tubs and trays. The facility also has the capability to sort   report by Reuters, it noted
          coloured plastics material and metal cans.Biffa said the   that Malaysia has returned
          DFTXLVLWLRQ  ÀUVW DQQRXQFHG LQ WKH FRPSDQ\·V IXOO \HDU   267 illegal plastic waste
          results at the start of June, would enable it to provide   containers back to where
          more recyclable plastics feedstock in line with its strategy   they originated since 2019.
          to quadruple its plastics recycling capacity by 2030.The   It did not report on where the containers had been
          move comes ahead of the implementation of a deposit    or would be returned to. Reuters said that Malaysian
          return scheme (DRS) in Scotland in 2022, which will enable   Environment Minister Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man warned
          consumers to recycle their used bottles and cans, including
          PET plastics, metal, and glass.Chief executive Michael   that shipping companies or agents that broke Malaysia’s
          Topham said the acquisition builds on Biffa’s leadership   environment and import laws would face strict action.
          position in closed-loop recycling and strengthens its   However, Malaysia has permitted two containers of
          capacity to process and recycle more plastics waste in   SODVWLF  IURP  WKH  8QLWHG  6WDWHV  WKDW  ZHUH  WKRXJKW
          Scotland.“As a leading enabler of the circular economy   to be illegal stating that they did not require prior
          LQ WKH 8.  WKLV LQYHVWPHQW KHOSV XV VXSSRUW 6FRWODQG·V   informed consent. Malaysia became the destination
          vision of a greener future, as it prepares to introduce   RI  FKRLFH  IRU  WKH  ZRUOG V  SODVWLF  ZDVWH  DIWHU  &KLQD
          WKH '56 WR UHGXFH OLWWHULQJ DQG LPSURYH UHF\FOLQJ OHYHOV µ   banned imports in 2018, but is struggling to fend off a
          KH VDLG ´:H DUH GHOLJKWHG WR ZHOFRPH WKH *UHHQ &LUFOH   deluge of generally unlicensed unrecyclable garbage.
          chief executive of Green Circle Polymers, added: “This is   the Basel Convention came into force on January2021,
          an exciting move and I’d like to thank the loyal customers   intended to discourage the production of hard-to-
                                                                 recycle plastics and to prevent rich countries dumping
                                                                 trash in the developing world, where it often ends
                                                                 up polluting the local environment and the ocean.
                                                                 Signatories to the Convention may only trade plastic
                                                                 waste if it is clean, sorted and easy to recycle - unless
                                                                 the importing country has granted an exemption.  The
                                                                 minister added how much illicit waste Malaysia had
                                                                 succeeded in intercepting, and promised that shipping
                                                                 companies or agents who broke Malaysia’s environment
                                                                 DQG LPSRUW ODZV ZRXOG IDFH ´VWULFW DFWLRQµ TKH 8QLWHG
                                                                 States, which produces more plastic waste per capita
                                                                 than any other country, is the only major nation not to
          who have supported the business over the years.“I
          know the management and staff will make a valuable     KDYH UDWLÀHG WKH %DVHO &RQYHQWLRQ  +RZHYHU  XQGHU WKH
                                                                 treaty, Malaysia cannot accept prohibited plastic waste
          contribution to the future of the business as part of the   IURP WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV  ,t had sent 267 containers of
          %LIID *URXS µ/DVW PRQWK  %LIID HQWHUHG LQWR DQ DJUHHPHQW   illegal plastic waste back to their countries of origin
          to acquire the collections business and certain recycling
          DVVHWV IURP 9LULGRU :DVWH 0DQDJHPHQW IRU …   P      P    since 2019, and was in the process of returning 81 more.

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