Page 31 - Plastics News July 2021
P. 31


          21*&  5HJLVWHUV 1HW 3UR¿W LQ 4                         Feasibility study ordered to set
                                                                 up a new Petrochem complex in
             il and Natural Gas
          OCorporation (ONGC)                                    Vidarbha
          reported a consolidated net
          SURÀW RI 5V          FURUH LQ                              nion Minister for Petrochemicals Dharmendra
          4  )<   DV DJDLQVW D QHW ORVV RI                       8Pradhan has agreed to institute a techno-economic
          5V          FURUH LQ 4  )<                             feasibility study to set up a petrochemical complex
          Net sales during the quarter                           in Vidarbha. Pradhan tweeted about the issue after a
          URVH      <R< WR 5V                                    meeting with former chief minister Devendra Fadnavis,
          FURUH   3UH WD[  LQ  4   )<                            who had led a delegation of Vidarbha Economic
          stood at Rs 13,664.10 crore                            Development (VED) Council, a forum comprising
          compared with a pre-tax loss                           prominent Vidarbha industrial leaders, to meet Pradhan
          RI 5V           FURUH LQ 4  )<    2Q D VWDQGDORQH EDVLV    at New Delhi. Fadnavis later told news agency ANI in
                                                                 Delhi, “I met Pradhan along with VED Council
          21*& V QHW SURÀW VXUJHG WR 5V          FURUH LQ 4  )<
                                                                 delegation. The minister was very positive about the
          IURP 5V        FURUH LQ 4  )<    1HW VDOHV GXULQJ WKH
                                                                 possibility of setting up a petrochemical complex in
          TXDUWHU GHFOLQHG E\      WR 5V           FURUH LQ 4  )<
                                                                 Vidarbha. After we gave him a presentation about it,
          RYHU 4  )<    1HW UHDOLVDWLRQ LQFUHDVHG E\       WR
          a barrel in the March quarter, compared with $49.01 a   he immediately issued an order for a techno-economic
                                                                 IHDVLELOLW\ VWXG\  , DP FRQÀGHQW WKDW VXFK D FRPSOH[
          barrel in the year-ago quarter. The corporation recorded
                                                                 can be set up (in Vidarbha) and the minister was also
                GURS LQ VWDQGDORQH QHW SURÀW WR 5V           FURUH
                                                                 FRQYLQFHG DERXW LW µ  9(' &RXQFLO 3UHVLGHQW 6KLYNXPDU
          RQ       IDOO LQ QHW VDOHV WR 5V           FURUH LQ )<   RYHU
          FY20. "Despite country wide lock-down due to COVID-19   5DR VDLG ´:H KDYH EHHQ FDPSDLJQLQJ IRU D UHÀQHU\ LQ
                                                                 Vidarbha for the past many years. Pradhan proposed
          SDQGHPLF  21*& KDV DOPRVW UHDFKHG ODVW \HDU V SURGXFWLRQ   to mull the possibility of a petrochemical complex in
          levels in case of crude oil from its operated blocks. The   Vidarbha and also ordered a techno-economic feasibility
          shortfall in natural gas production is primarily due to less   VWXG\ µ 5DR IXUWKHU VDLG  ´7KH JRYHUQPHQW DOUHDG\ KDV
          offtake by customers due to COVID-19 pandemic. This    a plan to set up 15 petrochemical complexes across
          has resulted in a production shortfall of condensate and   the country. He said the government can set up one
          value added products (VAP) as well," the company said in   in Vidarbha if the project is found feasible after the
          a statement.ONGC has declared total 10 discoveries (3 in   VWXG\ µ 5DR VDLG  ´,W FDQ FRPH XS QHDU 1DJSXU DORQJ
          onland, 7 in offshore) during FY 2020-21 in its operated
          acreages. Out of these, 6 are prospects (1 in onland, 5
          in offshore) and 4 are pools (2 in onland, 2 in offshore).
          Bengal basin became the eighth sedimentary basin of
          India from which hydrocarbon has commercially been
          produced. This has resulted in up-gradation of Bengal
          basin to category-I basin as per the new three tier
          per share. To promote its renewed push to ease contracted
          business practices, ONGC had also organised a special   the Samruddhi Mahamarg being built between Nagpur
          online Business Partners’ Meet, titled ‘Building Bridges in   and Mumbai. It will entail bringing gases from Bombay
          ONGC’s Supply Chain: Aatmanirbhar Bharat: Prosperous   High to Vidarbha by a pipeline along the highway. The
          India’, on 3 July 2021.  Over 300 business partners were   different production units in the complex will use the
          invited to pitch their suggestions, in order to make the   gas as raw material to produce polymers, which will
                                                                 WKHQ EH XVHG WR PDQXIDFWXUH YDULRXV SODVWLF LWHPV µ

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