Page 58 - Plastics News July 2023
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          sources  and  is  production-efficient,                                also be adapted with ease to different
          user-friendly and  reliable all at the                                 mould installation heights by means of
          same time. In addition, most machine                                   a servo-electric adjustment system.
          operators are familiar with hydraulic                                  Automatic clamping force regulation,
          injection  units  and  can  benefit  fully                             which generates a consistent locking
          from their advantages.”                                                force and thus automatically compen-
          Only benefits from Arburg’s perspec-                                   sates for the thermal expansion of the
          tive                                                                   mould, is available as an option.
          Thanks to the integration of the ser-  direct drive, which is integrated into   Dynamic hydraulic injection unit
          vo motor manufacturer  AMKmotion  the hybrid machines in the PREMIUM  Homogeneous material preparation
          into  the  Arburg  family, development  and ULTIMATE performance variants,  and precise  injection  are  additional
          and production of the entire power-  for example, all positions can be start-  prerequisites  for high-quality  part
          train can be handled in-house. This  ed up extremely quickly and precisely  production. Hydraulic drives  have
          applies primarily to Allrounder injec-  while achieving  load-resistant power  been  a staple  of injection  moulding
          tion moulding machines, including the  transmission and a high power density  for decades and for good reason: they
          inverter  and motor which  form the  over a long service life – even when  are sophisticated, robust, durable and
          centrepiece of the closing system, but  the machine is running at full load. The  low maintenance. They  are particu-
          also to the mould technology, for ex-  kinematics  of  the  double  five-point  larly well suited to high levels of ma-
          ample.                             toggle system is optimally adapted to  terial  throughput  and generate  high
          The  planetary  roller screw drive in   the  electric  drive.  This provides for  forces that can be maintained during
          combination with liquid-cooled mo-  symmetrical  force application during  any length of holding pressure phase.
          tors is ideally suited to high-end injec-  movements and mould locking – even
          tion moulding tasks. Using this electric   with heavy moulds. The toggle  can

          Cimatron releases new software- aims to simplify tasks

              imatron,  a CAD/CAM software  what it claims is stronger core capa-  through  collaboration with  Sandvik
          Csupplier for  the mold & die in-  bilities across all areas of the product,  Coromant. Cimatron 2024  aims to
          dustry has released version 2024 with  while incorporating new technology  simplify and automate many tasks for

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