Page 77 - Plastics News June 2024
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          Tackling plastic pollution: A call to action for India

                                                                                 ticles over time, it creates long-lasting
                                                                                 environmental  damage.  Mismanage-
                                                                                 ment of plastic waste leads to severe
                                                                                 ecological  degradation,  with  plastic
                                                                                 waste infiltrating our rivers and oceans
                                                                                 and putting marine life and ecosys-
                                                                                 tems in danger.

                                                                                 Government initiatives:
                                                                                 To address  this pressing issue, the
                                                                                 Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
                                                                                 issued a Comprehensive Action Plan in
                                                                                 February 2022, directing State Pollu-
                                                                                 tion Control Boards (SPCBs) and Pol-
                                                                                 lution Control Committees  (PCCs) to
                                                                                 phase out single-use plastics. The plan
                                                                                 encompasses  supply-side interven-
                                                                                 tions, and demand-side interventions,
                                                                                 creating  an  enabling environment  for
                                                                                 phasing  out  single-use  plastics  and
                 n  the  wake  of  World  envi-  guard the planet for future generations.   managing legacy waste. The CPCB has
                 ronment  Day, it is crucial to  Education  and  awareness  emerge  as   also implemented online platforms for
                 tackle the menace  of single-  powerful tools in combating the plastic   compliance monitoring and grievance
                 use plastics. The expansion  plague, enabling individuals to make   redressal, emphasising the importance
          of plastic waste poses a grave threat  informed decisions and adopt sustain-  of effective  regulation and enforce-
          to our planet, imperilling ecosystems  able practices.                 ment.
          both on land and at sea. Let's take the   India stands as a significant contribu-
          initiative to cultivate healthy habits to-  tor to global single-use plastic waste.   The human impact:
          wards nature from our homes. While   The Plastic Waste Makers Index 2019   Plastic  has  become  deeply  ingrained
          moving mountains may seem daunt-   report reveals that India ranks third   in  our  daily  lives,  with  approximately
          ing, starting with self-care can pave the   globally, contributing a staggering 5.5   60%  of  clothing  materials  composed
          way for a more effective and manage-  million tonnes of single-use plastic   of plastic. The fishing industry contrib-
          able journey to combat the disasters   waste annually. However, the misman-  utes around 45,000 tonnes of plastic
          caused by plastics. Collective action is   agement  of  plastic  waste  remains  a   waste to our oceans yearly. Moreover,
          crucial for  environmental  sustainabil-  critical issue, with the United Nations   plastic plays a crucial role in agricul-
          ity, with education and awareness as   Environment  Programme  (UNEP)  ture, from seed coatings to irrigation
          the key factors.                                                       systems. However, the OECD's Global
                                             highlighting that India fails to manage
          The scale of the problem:          85%  of  its  plastic  waste  effectively.   Plastics Outlook report underscores
                                             This type of waste is mainly single-use   the alarming scale of plastic pollution,
          Plastic pollution has reached alarm-                                   with millions of tonnes of plastic waste
          ing levels, causing devastating con-  and is often disposed of improperly by   infiltrating aquatic environments each
          sequences for the environment. From   being dumped or burned on roadsides.   year, posing a grave threat to marine
          clogging  waterways  to  threatening   This results in clogged drains and wa-  ecosystems.
          marine life, the pervasive presence of   terways, eventually finding its way into
          plastic waste demands immediate ac-  the ocean, where marine life is harmed   Regional disparities:
          tion. Earth Day serves  as a poignant   directly or indirectly. As plastic de-  The below data shows the amount of
          reminder of our responsibility to safe-  grades into micro and nano-sized par-

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