Page 74 - Plastics News June 2024
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          Marshal Minor IV Earbuds, Crafted From Recycled Plastic,

          Launched In India. Price, Specifications, More

                                             earbud experience through the dedi-  The Minor IV earbuds deliver bal-
                                             cated Marshall app.                 anced  sound  quality  for  both  music
                                                                                 and calls. They are also Bluetooth LE
                                             Marshal Minor IV Price An Availability
                                             In India                            Audio ready, ensuring improved audio
                                                                                 quality and connectivity for future up-
                                             The Minor IV by Marshall will be avail-  dates. The Minor IV earbuds simplify
                                             able for purchase starting June 15 on  playback control and call management.
                                             the company's official website for Rs  They  support  Bluetooth  multipoint
                                             11,999.                             connectivity,  allowing  simultaneous

                                             The touch-sensitive controls on each   connection  to  multiple devices.  One
                                             earbud enable intuitive management of   can customise thie music experience
                                             music and calls, including  automatic   by  downloading  Marshall's  dedicated
                                             pause/play  when  inserting  or  remov-  app to tailor the sound to your prefer-
                                             ing an earbud.                      ences.
                                             Marshal Minor IV Manufactured From   Equipped with 12mm dynamic drivers,
                                             Recycled Plastic                    the Minor IV earbuds offer up to seven
                   arshall  has  launched  the                                   hours  of  playtime,  which  extends  to
                   Minor IV True Wireless ear-  The earbuds feature a new design for   over 30 hours when using the charg-
                   buds, which comes with a  an  improved  fit  in  the  ear  canal  and   ing case.
                   compact  design  and  pow-  boast IPX4 water resistance. They are
                   erful audio performance.  made from 42 per cent recycled plas-  The case supports Type-C fast charg-
         The British audio product manufac-  tic,  with  90  per  cent  of  that  material   ing, providing three hours of playtime
         turer aims to deliver signature sound,  coming from post-consumer products   with  just  15-minute  of  charge,  the
         comfort,  and exceptional  battery  life  like CDs and electric bicycles.  company has claimed.
         with  the  new  Marshall  Minor  IV  ear-  Marshal Minor IV Specifications And            Source – ABPLIVE
         buds. Users can also personalise their   Features

          BW Converting debuts new inspection technologies from its Bald-
          win brand at Drupa

                   efender  is a  next-gener-  are now achievable from an upgraded  with an inspection module allows print-
                   ation inspection system  software  interface.  The  system  can  ers to immediately address any issues
                   with new camera, lighting,  track over ten different types of defects  detected rather  than  waiting  until  the
                   and software technologies.  and store inspection data for quality  reel is completed. This just-in-time ap-
         It demonstrated simulations at Drupa  control  and  waste  reduction  purpos-  proach can significantly reduce waste."
         and featured high-resolution cameras  es,"  said  Hemant  Desai,  director  for   Desai  said these  investments made
         and customised LED lighting solu-   India operation at Baldwin.         by BW Converting in Baldwin product
         tions that provide the clearest  image   A new Defender View inspection mod-  technologies  will  help  flexo/Gravure
         of printed products to detect even the   ule integrated directly into printing  printers  and converters  meet brand
         smallest defects.
                                             presses for in-line inspection was also  owners'  stringent  quality  demands
         "The new powerful data analytics capa-  launched and running live at Drupa.  while  minimising  raw  material  and
         bilities and more intuitive operations                                  time wastage.
                                             Desai said, "This Web viewing system

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