Page 72 - Plastics News June 2024
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          Mono-Material PET Bottle Caps: Enhancing Recycling Efforts

                   he mono-material approach  PET Caps Can Enhance Recyclability  closure recycling rates are increasing,
                   could help to boost  PET re-                                  especially  in  Europe  where  closure
                   cycling.                                                      tethering  will  be  mandatory  starting
                                                                                 July 2024, a  beverage  container  re-
                   A Swiss packaging machin-
          ery  maker  and a California “carbon-                                  mains  a  two-material  solution.  HDPE
          negative”  materials  company  have                                    suffers from degradation when reused
          collaborated  to  develop  what  they                                  multiple times. Changing a closure to
          are calling “the world’s first PET cap                                 the same grade of PET as in the con-
          and  closure  manufacturing  system.”                                  tainer avoids the need to separate the
          The aim is to further enable recycling                                 two materials and also solves the deg-
          by  taking  a  mono-material  approach.                                radation topic at the same time.”
          This  involves  pairing  PET  caps  with                               Origin Co-CEO and co-founder John
          PET  bottles,  instead  of  making  firms                              Bissell said  Origin’s high-throughput
          separate caps made of different resins                                 production  system  is  the  first  to  be
          to avoid contaminating  the recycling                                  able to make PET caps and closures at
          stream.                                                                commercial scale. “We expect it will be

          PackSys  Global  AG  of  Ruti,  Switzer-                               the first of many such production lines
          land, and Origin Materials of West                                     for making not just beverage packag-
          Sacramento,  Calif.,  were  promoting                                  ing better and fully recyclable, but con-
          their new technology at NPE 2024. Ueli                                 tainers of nearly every kind.”
          Kobel,  director  of  PackSys  Global’s   Ueli Kobel, director of PackSys Glob-  Perfecting the Slit and Fold Process
          Slitting  Division,  said  in  an  interview   al’s  Slitting  Division,  at  NPE  show-  for PET Caps
          at the firm’s booth that they began the   cased the PET bottle caps that his firm   On its NPE stand, PackSys touted “ful-
          project two years ago and did most of   developed jointly with Origin Materials.   ly recyclable packaging, from cap to
          the design work on the closure in the   Photo by Robert Grace          bottle.” Photo by Robert Grace
          U.S. He noted that this is most suitable  “PET closures can be a game changer
          for simple screw caps and not likely for  for closure recycling,” Kobel said in a   Speaking  to  the  latest  project  with
          more complex molded caps such as  statement.  “Most beverage  closures   PackSys, Origin senior research engi-
          those with flip-tops for sports drinks.  are today made from HDPE and, while   neer  Rachel  Hess  said:  “We’ve  been

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