Page 46 - Plastics News Issue March 2024
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handling systems, contributing to im- IV. Meeting Industry-Specific Chal- V. Conclusion:
proved efficiency, reduced waste, and lenges: In conclusion, primary plastics pro-
enhanced workplace safety. Automotive Sector: In the automotive cessing machinery and auxiliary equip-
Temperature Control Units: The industry, stringent requirements for ment play a pivotal role in the modern
precise control of temperature is safety, durability, and weight reduction industrial landscape, shaping the way
paramount in plastics processing to necessitate advanced plastics process- plastic products are manufactured.
achieve consistent quality and per- ing machinery. Injection molding and From injection molding machines and
formance. Temperature control units extrusion equipment must meet the extrusion equipment to advanced
play a vital role in regulating the tem- challenges of producing complex ge- auxiliary systems, these technologies
perature of molds, extruders, and ometries, lightweight components, enable efficient, precise, and sustain-
other equipment, preventing defects and high-performance materials. able production processes. As the
and ensuring the desired properties of Medical Applications: The medical industry continues to evolve, the inte-
the final plastic product. sector demands precision and clean- gration of smart technologies, energy-
Auxiliary Equipment in Quality Assur- liness in plastics manufacturing. Ma- efficient solutions, and advancements
ance: Auxiliary equipment is indispen- chinery used in this field must adhere in materials will further enhance the
sable in quality assurance processes. to strict regulations and standards to capabilities of these essential compo-
Inspection systems, sensors, and test- ensure the production of sterile and nents, ensuring the continued growth
ing equipment help manufacturers biocompatible medical devices. Aux- and adaptability of the plastics manu-
identify defects, ensure compliance iliary equipment, such as cleanroom facturing sector.
with specifications, and maintain the systems, contributes to maintaining
high-quality standards required in var- a controlled and hygienic production
ious industries. environment.
Automation is reshaping the packaging sector
fast, said Pune, India-based Future
Market Insights.
In an assessment, it valued the glob-
al packaging automation market at
USD74.53 billion in 2023, while pre-
dicting it will grow at around 8% per
year to reach USD161.66 billion by
The report noted that the food and
beverage, pharmaceutical and per-
sonal care sectors are among those
enthusiastically adopting more auto-
mation in packaging, and that growth
in this area is being partly driven by
rising demand for customised packag-
ackaging automation's evolution sophisticated human-free technology ing.
Psignificantly impacts diverse sec- to produce more innovative products Stephen Mills, director of London,
tors, including food and beverage, more efficiently and at lower cost. UK-based TPG Packaging Consult-
pharmaceuticals, and personal care. Indeed, the development of packaging ants, said that advanced materials
By Laura Syrett. automation, directing equipment, ma- have been among the key enablers of
Automated packaging solutions have chinery or other solutions to perform this technological progress.
transformed the packaging industry, parts of the packaging process with- “Automation success starts with high
with manufacturers using increasingly out direct human control, is growing
48 PLASTICS NEWS March 2024