Page 48 - Plastics News Issue March 2024
P. 48
Top ten packaging companies in 2024
mental impact.
6. Sealed Air Corporation: Sealed
Air Corporation is a leading
provider of packaging solutions,
including protective packaging,
food packaging, and hygiene so-
lutions. With a focus on sustain-
ability and product innovation,
Sealed Air continues to deliver
value to customers around the
The leading companies for this year carbon emissions, has earned it world.
are setting new standards for innova- a place among the top packaging 7. Huhtamaki Oyj: Huhtamaki Oyj
tion, sustainability, and customer-cen- companies in 2024. is a global packaging company
tric solutions. 3. Westrock Company: WestRock known for its sustainable pack-
As the world continues to evolve, so Company is a leading provider aging solutions and commitment
too does the packaging industry. With of paper and packaging solutions, to circularity. From flexible pack-
the growing emphasis on sustainabil- known for its expertise in corru- aging to molded fiber products,
ity, innovation, and efficiency, packag- gated packaging, consumer pack- Huhtamaki offers a wide range of
ing companies are constantly striving aging, and recycling solutions. innovative solutions designed to
to stay ahead of the curve. With a focus on innovation and minimise environmental impact
In 2024, several standout companies sustainability, WestRock contin- while meeting customer needs.
have emerged as leaders in the field, ues to deliver value to customers 8. Mondi plc: Mondi plc is a global
setting new standards for excellence while minimising its environmen- packaging and paper company
and pushing the boundaries of what is tal impact. known for its innovative approach
possible. Here are the top ten packag- 4. Sonoco Products Company: So- to packaging design and sustain-
ing companies making waves in 2024: noco Products Company special- ability. With a focus on renewable
1. Amcor plc: Amcor plc remains ises in packaging solutions for a materials and responsible sourc-
a powerhouse in the packaging wide range of industries, including ing, Mondi continues to lead the
industry, known for its commit- food and beverage, healthcare, way in creating packaging solu-
ment to sustainability and innova- and industrial products. With a tions that are both functional and
tion. With a global presence and a strong emphasis on sustainability environmentally friendly.
diverse portfolio of packaging so- and customer-centric innovation, 9. Graphic Packaging Holding Com-
lutions, including flexible packag- Sonoco remains a top choice for pany: Graphic Packaging Holding
ing, rigid containers, and specialty companies seeking high-quality Company specialises in paper-
cartons, Amcor continues to lead packaging solutions. based packaging solutions for a
the way in creating packaging that 5. Berry Global Group, Inc.: Berry variety of industries, including
meets the needs of both consum- Global Group, Inc. is a global food and beverage, consumer
ers and the environment. manufacturer and marketer goods, and pharmaceuticals.
2. DS Smith plc: DS Smith plc has of plastic packaging products, With a focus on innovation and
established itself as a leader in known for its diverse portfolio sustainability, Graphic Packaging
sustainable packaging solutions, and commitment to sustainabil- delivers packaging solutions that
focusing on recyclability and ity. From food packaging to per- enhance shelf appeal while mini-
circularity. The company’s in- sonal care products, Berry Global mising environmental impact.
novative approach to packaging offers innovative solutions that
design, combined with its com- meet the needs of today’s con-
mitment to reducing waste and sumers while minimising environ-
50 PLASTICS NEWS March 2024