Page 47 - Plastics News Issue March 2024
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          performance materials which capture  of engineering  at  Seattle,  US-based  inspection and detection systems:
          lightweighting, accelerate production  packaging automations business Sum-  “Automatic in-line detection of defec-
          speeds  and maintain  strength,  from  mit  Packaging,  collaborative robots   tive seals is important for both [prod-
          paper to plastics to biomaterials,” he  (or ‘cobots’) were the “number one   uct]  safety  and production automa-
          told Packaging Gateway.            trend  in packaging  automation” in   tion in packaging,” Van Cauter  told
          As an example of this, US-headquar-  2023.                             Packaging Gateway.
          tered  ecommerce  giant  Amazon an-  These industrial  robots are  designed   “Many customers that are automating
          nounced in October  (2023) that it  to work safely alongside humans in a   their production processes need au-
          had launched “first-of-its-kind” auto-  shared workspace. This distinguishes   tomated in-line inspection [as well] to
          mated packing technology – initially at  them  from traditional  industrial  ro-  eliminate manual labour [completely]
          its UK and German fulfilment centres  bots,  “which  operate  behind  safety   and guarantee product quality at the
          – that uses in-built sensors to cut spe-  barriers to prevent  any human con-  best production speed,” he said.
          cially developed paper packaging ac-  tact”, Stewart explained.        Mills believes that 3D printing, which
          cording to the size of the item to be   Because cobots are equipped with ad-  can be a fully automated function us-
          delivered.                         vanced sensors and software, which   ing data fed into software that then in-
          The paper used to package Amazon’s  allow them to detect  and  respond   structs printers to produce products
          deliveries is light but durable, stretchy  to human presence, they reduce the   to exact specifications, and which can
          and more weather resistant than reg-  reduce  the  risk of injury  to humans   allow for last minute ‘personalisation’
          ular paper.                        while performing multiple tasks, such   of packaging  component,  is  likely  to
          It can also be heat-sealed like plastic   as packing products into boxes, pal-  be one  of the  next  big  evolutionary
          but is “easily” recyclable. Amazon   letising products, picking and placing   steps for packaging automation.
          said the paper was purposely created   products and assembling them.    Such systems  could be enhanced by
          by Amazon’s material scientists for its  In terms of packaging innovation, pro-  artificial  intelligence  (AI),  whose  po-
          automated machines to use.         ponents of cobots, such as Västerås,   tential for boosting packaging automa-
          According to the company, by packing   Sweden-headquartered  machine   tion has been widely touted, particu-
          items in 100% recyclable light paper   manufacturer ABB say these machines   larly its ability to automate packaging
          packaging, which is made-to-fit with-  can extend the benefits of automation   design,  spot  defects  in  production
          out the need for padding, these auto-  to heavy industry packaging applica-  lines, and helping to optimise produc-
          mated packing machines help reduce   tions.                            tion lines and improve recycling rates.
          the weight of packaging per shipment  Last June (2023), ABB launched two   UK  consumer  goods conglomerate
          by around 26 grams, on average – re-  new variants of its popular GoFa co-  Unilever  recently  announced that,
          ducing transport costs and waste.    bot – the GoFa 10 and GoFa 12 – de-  together  with Chinese  e-commerce
          Mills also cited the advent of robotics   signed for  industrial packaging appli-  giant Alibaba, it has created recycling
          in packaging production lines as a sig-  cations, automating demanding tasks   machines that use artificial AI to auto-
          nificant  step  forward  in  streamlining   such  as machine  tending,  welding,   matically identify and sort waste plas-
          the progress of packaging evolution.    parts handling, polishing and assembly.     tic packaging for recycling in China, as
          Although robots have been in use in   As  well  as  production  efficiencies,  well as optimise designs of some of
          factories  for decades,  the  arrival of   cost-savings  and  accuracy  benefits,  its products sold in plastic bottles to
          smarter, more compact robotic  so-  packaging companies are also looking  make them more sustainable.
          lutions speed-up packaging systems,   to automation to solve quality and se-  The company has also partnered with
          add  flexibility  and  reduce  mistakes   curity issues.               Denmark-based accessibility app spe-
          caused by human error.             According to Renaat Van Cauter, mar-  cialist Be My Eyes, which creates AI-
          Meanwhile, automated ‘in line’ manu-  keting director at Engilico, a Belgian  enabled mobile phone-based applica-
          facturing has enabled production to   company specialising in in-line sealing  tions for visually impaired people, to
          move  away  from factory  production   inspection and monitoring technology  trial ways of helping blind or low-sited
          lines, customising and localising pack-  for packaging in the food, pet care and  customers to interact with its packag-
          aging lines to customer premises.    other industries, automated packag-  ing – recognising products, reading
          According to Daniel Stewart, director   ing processes only achieve their full  ingredients and following preparation
                                             potential if they also have automated  instructions.
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