Page 10 - Plastics News March 2020
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AipmA At work
Expert Committee held at Mantralaya
n expert committee meeting was held at Mantralaya in making all industrial packing material except bubble
Awhich AIPMA was invited. Minister and Chief secretary film be addressed.
could not make it to the meeting which was conducted 3. EPR framework should be formulated and special
by Mr Gaurav of MPCB. meeting be called. AIPMA suggested that collective
Following was discussed and will be put to the empowered EPR model as done by AIPMA be allowed.
committee headed by Hon Minister Additya Thackare. 4. Issue of woven plastic fabric (similar to woven sacks)
1. Plea by Nagpur association to allow non woven plastic being used to make shopping bags. It was decided
bags which are multiple use. Additionally it was to send clarification to all corporations not to allow
claimed that the industry provides employment to such bags.
over a lac woman. It was after considerable time a meeting was
They were told that as per notification all plastic bags organised and should be considered as initiative
are banned however as the court has directed them towards implementation of policy.
to expert Committee, they should provide supporting Additionally, the issue of biodegradable, compostables and
technical data to support their plea soonest. bio plastic was touched in view of undesirable products
2. Lacuna arising out of last amendment to notification dumped in the market.
Nitin Gadhkari Meeting 25 Feb, 2020
he President AIPMA, Shri Jagat Killawala and Deepak The Minister also indicated that new projects are being
TBallani, Director-General had a special meeting on floated into the domain of biopolymers and strong trade
25th February 2020 with the Ministry of Micro, Small and associations like AIPMA should take plunge into beginning
Medium Enterprises & Ministry of Road Transport and initiatives with waste picker groups and formal training of
Highways Union Minister Shri. Nitin Jairam Gadkari to hands into plastic recycling. The discussion also referred
to establishing stronger value-chains by investing in
warehousing schemes domestically and globally.
The next meeting would be scheduled soon with AIPMA
delegation to discuss issues relating to finance which is
still a pain point and in many instances, banks (PSU’s)
are inconsiderate towards the needs of MSME, export
enhancement from Indian Plastics Industry and creating
funds for boosting export competitiveness through
efforts in focussed directions such as risk financing,
capacity building, research and testing of innovative
products including bio-polymers & recycled products.
discuss various issues pertaining to Cluster Development Skill-development is also an area of concern as the plastic
Programme (CDP), and recycling, initiation of the industry would require 15 Lakhs additional manpower
Technology Upgradation Fund (TUF) to name a few.
by 2026.
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