Page 16 - Plastics News March 2022
P. 16

             AIPMA A

          AIPMA’s AMTEC - Arvind Mehta  grams.  The third module was care- Sessions like Concepts of MAP and
          Technology & Entrepreneurship  fully selected in such a manner that  EMAP, Polymer Processablity, Plastic
          Centre (AMTEC)  in Mumbai has  the softer learnings from these two  Multi-Squeezable tube, thermofor-
          set up a Centre of Excellence, with  courses would help industry profes- med Machinery which enhance the
          a vision to promote high quality  sionals to enrich and up skill them- value of self but also the entire eco-
          knowledge and industrial services  selves.                             system of product and process.
          for rapid growth of the plastics and
          its application industry. The Cen-  Onboard we were highly obliged  The programed not only covered a
          tre of Excellence helps the Industry   to have team of experts from our  lot about Flexible and Rigid pack-
          in reducing overall time to design,   Knowledge partner Foundation for  aging but also focused on semi rigid
          develop and rapid roll out of prod-  Innovative Packaging and Sustain- packaging, Plastic Machinery, its
          ucts and to graduate from Micro to   ability (FIPS) Prof. NC Saha, Prof.  analysis and applications.
          Small,  Small  to  Medium  and  Me-  A.K Ghosh, Mr. M.K Banerjee, This   There were participants from differ-
          dium  to  Large  Enterprises  in  in-  session was more appealing as we had   ent segment of plastics industry and
          creasing  its  share  in  global  market.   a few Special Guest Speakers from   the sessions were concluded with an
          Under AMTEC’s Packaging Vertical   the plastic industry Mr. Jeevraj Pillai   exam with hundred percent partici-
          we introduced our third module of   - UFLEX & Mr. Dayanand Reddy       pation and enthusiasm. At the end
          Plastics in Packaging - Flexible and   - Vasantha Tools Crafts Pvt Ltd on   all the participants were thrilled to
          Rigid Plastic Packaging after the suc-  topics such as MAP & EMAP Tech-  receive their merit certificates.
          cessful completion of the previous   niques and Advance  Technology
          two Executive Development Pro-     for Caps and Closures and Molded
                                             Containers respectively.

                                                16   PLASTICS NEWS  March 2022
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