Page 21 - Plastics News March 2022
P. 21

Smurfit Kappa Invests In Capacity Building Measures                    Clariant  Re-designs  Set-
                                                                                 up to Accelerate Austain-
                                                                                 Ability-Driven Growth

                                                                                 Clariant, a focused, sustainable, and in-
                                                                                 novative specialty chemical company,
                                                                                 today announced that it is introducing
                                                                                 a new global operating model for its
                                                                                 Innovation  &  Sustainability  unit.  The
                                                                                 reorganization  aims  to  accelerate  sus-
                                                                                 innovation, which
                                                                                 is a key component
                                                                                 of Clariant's pur-
                                                                                 pose-led  strategy
                                                                                 'Greater chemistry -
                                                                                 between people and
                                                                                 planet'. It is through such innovations
                                                                                 that the company will enable profitable
              orrugated packaging company  moving to large-scale production. “We   growth."With this new organizational
          CSmurfit Kappa has closed an in- bring all the relevant stakeholders to-  structure, we will better connect key
          vestment in its new Design2Market  gether on the design journey from in-  aspects of our new purpose-led growth
          Factory in the Netherlands. The invest- ception through to production and, if   strategy, namely Customer Focus, In-
          ment involves adding a digital printer  appropriate, certification, enabling cus-  novative Chemistry, Leading in Sus-
          and a die cutter to the factory, which  tomers to use robust data and insights to   tainability, and People. While culture
          aims to streamline the end-to-end pack- get their products on to platforms such   is core to bringing the purpose to life,
          aging development process from design  as Amazon and Alibaba.” A multidisci-  the organization  needs to be designed
          to commercial launch. Design2Market  plinary team is responsible for assisting   in such a way that it best leverages the
          is intended to allow quick prototyping  the design process with customers. The   existing innovative power that our
          for pilot production, analysing the per- team will be involved from the initial   customers value so highly", said Chief
          formance of packaging. It also features  design brief. Smurfit Kappa staff will   Executive Officer Conrad Keijzer. The
          laboratory facilities for field testing. The  help clients develop customised proto-  new organization was designed to opti-
          factory is also designed to develop solu- types that can be manufactured quickly   mally combine sustainability know-how
          tions that meet sustainability and e-com- as part of their industrial pilot produc-  with innovation power. Thus, it will be
          merce requirements within the packag- tion phase. This allows packaging to be   able to deliver sustainability innovations
          ing industry. Smurfit Kappa innovation  tested, refined and adapted quickly on a   with  an  outstanding  technical  profile
          and development vice-president Arco  smaller scale before being launched on   that create a meaningful impact for
          Berkenbosch said: “The Design2Market  the market. The Design2Market Factory   Clariant's customers - and beyond - by
          Factory provides our customers with the  team has already built and evaluated   helping them to undergo their own sus-
          fastest way to launch their new pack- several solutions, including ‘frustration-  tainability  transformation.  Innovation
          aging solutions and has revolutionised  free’ packaging for wine and shelf-ready   & Sustainability will focus on three core
          the development process. “It’s set up to  packaging for detergents. The staff have   agendas: climate-neutral and sustainable
          provide them with a tangible prototype  also tested some products from Smurfit   operations,  sustainability-driven  port-
          that can be tested with consumers and  Kappa’s Better Planet Packaging range.  folio change, and sustainability-based
          subsequently refined and honed before

                                                 21  PLASTICS NEWS  March 2022
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