Page 20 - Plastics News March 2022
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Viridor Opens Plastic Reprocessing Centre at Avonmouth
power 84,000 homes. It is expected to
reduce the UK’s plastic waste exports
by around 8% and decrease its carbon
dioxide emissions by 126,000t a year.
The project has so far created 125 jobs
and employed more than 500 people
at the peak of its construction. Viridor
CEO Kevin Bradshaw said: “The scale
of what we are doing at Avonmouth
shows that ending the export of plas-
tic waste from UK shores can become
a reality. “It is right that consumers who
pay for recycling see the benefits in lo-
cal investment and jobs. “The Depart-
ment for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs’ (DEFRA) ambitious and vital
policy reforms have the potential to cre-
K-based waste management and ery capabilities in one building. The ate the stable investment environment
Urecycling company Viridor has £317m ($422.9m) facility was opened to realise this ambition and align job
opened an advanced resource recovery by UK Resources and Waste Minister Jo creation with doing the right thing for
centre at Avonmouth near Bristol, UK. Churchill. As well as diverting 320,000t the environment.” The opening of the
The company’s Avonmouth Resource of non-recyclable household waste from Avonmouth Resource Recovery facility
Recovery facility is claimed to be the entering landfill a year, the facility will is in line with Viridor’s commitment to
UK’s first facility to house co-locating be able to produce more than 300GWh reduce its plastic waste exports and in-
plastic reprocessing and energy recov- of electricity a year, which is enough to vest in the UK’s recycling infrastructure.
Starlinger Recycling System and SSP Reactor to be Installed at BariQ’s Plant
production capacity of 2,700kg/h and fications and rising quality requirements
is claimed to be the largest size of the of the customers, and handling the
latest reactor generation. By installing entire variability of raw materials.“As
the solution, BariQ expects to increase for the new line, the technical discus-
its total production capacity to 35,000t sions with Starlinger started two years
of food-grade recycled PET (rPET) pel- ago, ensuring that the line is equipped
lets a year. The viscoSTAR 350 SSP re- with the latest technology and meets all
actor is intended to provide additional standards to achieve top quality in rPET
PET processing capacity and residence resin production. “Believing in the de-
tarlinger is to install another poly-
Sethylene terephthalate (PET) re- time for BariQ, as well as minimise the contamination efficiency of Starlinger
cycling system and a solid-state-poly- footprint of the firm’s new recycling technology and their excellent customer
condensation (SSP) reactor at the line. BariQ previously installed a Star- support, BariQ again choose Starlinger
Egypt-based bottle-to-bottle recycling linger PET recycling line at its facility for the expansion project.” BariQ will
company BariQ. The company will in- in 2012. BariQ chief operations officer also upgrade its existing Starlinger re-
stall a Starlinger recoSTAR PET 215 Ahmed ElKasaby said: “During the past coSTAR PET 165 iV+ recycling line by
HC iV, which features a viscoSTAR decade, Starlinger has supported us with adding a melt filter for fine filtration,
350 SSP reactor, at its plant in Giza. their reliable equipment and technol- as well as an additional SSP reactor.
The recoSTAR PET 215 system has a ogy, meeting the highest quality speci-
20 PLASTICS NEWS March 2022