Page 13 - Plastics News May 2020
P. 13

Single-use Plastic-Bags And Their Alternatives - A Study And Recommendations From Life
          Cycle Assessments
          The study compares Single use PE (SUP), Multi use PE,    According to the study the material type and weight of
          Recycled PE, PP, Biodegradable bag, Paper Bags and its   a  shopping  bag  are  important  characteristics  for
          impacts on the environment                               determining its environmental impacts. A bag with the
                                                                   same material but double the weight has double the
          Life Cycle Initiative released a new reports on plastics
          The study compares Single use PE (SUP), Multi use PE,    impact, unless it is reused more times or used to carry
          Recycled  PE,  PP,  Biodegradable  bag,  Paper  Bags  and   more goods. The LCAs in the meta-analysis indicate
          recommend  actions  to  be  taken  by  different          that a SUPB weighs approximately 6 g in China, India,
          stakeholders to achieve a circular economy for plastics   Singapore and the US, but 18-20 g in Finland, Spain
          at the global level                                      and the UK.

          Single-use  plastic  bags  (SUPBs)  are  one  of  the  most
                                                                   The number of times a bag is used directly influences
          consumed items globally and much debate has evolved
          around  their  environmental  impact.  However,  their   its environmental impacts. For instance, if a bag is
          alternatives for shopping – e.g. cotton and paper bags –   used for shopping twice instead of once, it has only
          also come with an environmental footprint, and do not    half the environmental impact per shopping round.
          necessarily outperform plastic bags in all environmental
          categories. To identify which solution is environmentally   The  technology  and  material/energy  use  of
          more  sustainable,  the  impact  of  SUPBs  compared  to   production processes influence the impact of bags.
          their alternatives needs to be investigated under a life   For example, the climate impact of paper bags varies
          cycle  perspective.  Life  cycle  assessment  (LCA)  is  a   greatly, depending on what fuel is used in the pulp and
          quantitative tool designed for this purpose, to assess the   paper production.
          environmental impacts of products and services across
          their full life cycle including raw material extraction,   The waste-management process also influences the
          production, logistics and distribution, use and end-of-  environmental impact of bags. Paper bags that end up
          life.                                                    in  landfills  cause  emissions  of  methane  with  high
          A meta-analysis of seven LCAs published in English since   climate  change  effect,  while  plastic  bags  are
          the year 2010 was conducted to investigate what can be
          learnt from these studies, and to provide guidance to    relatively inert. On the other hand, incineration of
          policy  makers  and  other  actors  on  how  to  interpret   used  plastic  bags  affects  the  climate  through
          results from comparative LCAs on shopping bags. The      emissions of fossil carbon dioxide (Co2), while the CO2
          table  below  summarises  the  findings,  including  the   emitted from incineration of paper bags is part of the
          environmental  benefits  and  drawbacks  of  SUPBs        natural carbon cycle. The environmental impacts of
          compared to other bags. The report also sheds light on   biodegradable  bags  are  reduced  if  the  bags  are
          the benefits and challenges of LCA as a method to assess   composted,  while  most  other  bags  benefit  from
          the  environmental  aspects  of  bags.  Based  on  the   material recycling.
          learnings from this meta-analysis, the report provides
          guidance for experts undertaking future LCAs of plastic   Considering the impacts from all life cycle stages, the
          bags  and  their  alternatives  to  improve  the         environmental  ranking  of  bags  varies  between
          comprehensiveness,  consistency  and  accuracy  of  the   different  environmental  categories.  The  SUPB  is  a
                                                                   poor option in terms of litter on land, marine litter and
                                                                   microplastics,  but  it  scores  well  in  other
                                                                   environmental  impact  categories,  such  as  climate
                                                                   change, acidification, eutrophication, water use and
                                                                   land  use.  The  overall  environmental  ranking  will
                                                                   depend on what environmental aspects are given the
                                                                   highest priority. In this context it might be important
                                                                   to  note  that  bags  are  responsible  for  a  significant
                                                                   share of the litter, but a very small share of the total
                                                                   climate change when compared with other products
                                                                   and commodities.

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