Page 14 - Plastics News May 2020
P. 14
Single-use Plastic-Bags And Their Alternatives - A Study And Recommendations From Life
Cycle Assessments
Reusable bags can be environmentally impact on the climate, eutrophication and
superior to SUPBs, if they are reused many acidification, compared to SUPBs.
times. For example, a cotton bag needs to However, they can be better for the climate
be used 50-150 times to have less impact if the SUPB is heavy, the paper mills use
on the climate compared to one SUPB. A renewable fuel, the paper bags are reused
thick and durable polypropylene (PP) bag multiple times, and/or the waste bags are
must be used for an estimated 10-20 times, incinerated rather than deposited at
and a slimmer but still reusable landfills.
polyethylene (PE) bag 5-10 times, to have
the same climate impacts as a SUPB. This Single-use polyethylene bags based on
requires not only durability of the bags, but renewable resources are better for the
also consumers to reuse each bag many climate, compared to conventional SUPBs;
times. however, they cause the same problems
related to impacts of littering and are likely
Paper bags contribute less to the impacts to cause more acidification and
of littering but in most cases have a larger eutrophication.
12 Edition of AIPMA Members' Product Directory 2020
¬ Plastics HSN Codes, ¬ National and International Trade Missions
¬ GST Rates, ¬ Ministries & Departments of Government of India
¬ Information of Global Plastics Associations ¬ Updated members profile and product details
¬ Trade Bodies National and International ¬ Complimentary copy for AIPMA Members
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As a gesture of goodwill and extra visibility to our members Logos of member companies shall be printed on
complimentary basis in the AIPMA Members'Product Directory2020.
An email to this effect shall be sent to your registered email ID from our team in membership department i.e Kindly fill up the form and upload the logo so that it can be taken into record.
Jagat Killawala
President, AIPMA
MAY 2020 14 Plastics News