Page 15 - Plastics News May 2020
P. 15

Single-use Plastic-Bags And Their Alternatives - A Study And Recommendations
          From Life Cycle Assessments
                                     Environmental impact category in the life cycle of the bags
          Conditions or                                  Eutrophic  Photo
          other             Climate change     Acidification       chemical  Land use change      Littering Potential
          observations                                   ation    ozone

                       In  the  majority  of  reviewed   Ÿ While  all  reviewed  studies   Ÿ  Though not assessed   Ÿ There  are  several  impacts
                       studies, PE based plastic bags   assessed  climate  impact,  the   in detail, it is   of littering: visual impacts,
                       were found to have the lowest   assessment for other impacts such   important to   p h y s i c a l   i m p a c t s   o n
                       climate impact.          as  acidification,  eutrophication   consider that bio-  animals, and the impacts of
                                                and ozone related impacts varied   based and paper   microplastics
                       Ÿ Single  use  PE  bags  from
                        recycled  or  bio-based   between studies.          bags require a   Ÿ The assessment of littering
                        materials were found to have   Ÿ For  the  studies  that  assessed   certain amount of   potential  in  LCA  is  still
                        a lower climate impact than   acidification,  eutrophication  and   land for feedstock   under  development.  A
                        their fossil PE alternative.   ozone  related  impacts,  fossil  PE-  cultivation.   minority  of  the  reviewed
                       Ÿ Durable PP and reusable PE   based  alternatives  (HDPE/LDPE)   Ÿ  In addition to land   studies  addresses  impacts
                        bags need to be reused 10-20   were found to be the best option.   use, there is also the   of littering and even these
                                                                                              account for visual impacts
                        and 5-10 times, respectively   T h e r e   i s   n o   c l e a r   ' w o r s e '   possibility of land   only.
                        before they can compete on   alternative,  though  the  studies   use change which
                        the basis of climate change   p o i n t   t o w a r d s   b i o - b a s e d   can lead to impacts   Ÿ Littering  potential  is  a
                        with single-use bags. This is   alternatives.       on biodiversity, etc.   c h a l l e n g e   f o r   n o n -
                        due  to  their  higher  weight   Ÿ Bio-based  LDPE  was  found  to    degradable bags (fossil- and
                        and  the  related  material   perform worse than fossil LDPE.         bio-based)  and  for  bags
                        consumption.           Ÿ For durable and reusable LDPE and            labeled as degradable.
                       Ÿ Paper bags can be better for   PP  bags,  as  well  as  cotton  and   Ÿ Bio-degradable  plastics
                        the  climate  if  produced  in   paper bags the same findings as for   should not just be left in the
                        integrated  mills  using   climate  change  apply:  whether           environment,  handling  in
                        renewable energy and if bags   they can compete with the single       managed sites is needed.
                        are  reused  and  recycled  or   use  alternatives  depends  on  the   Ÿ The  degradation  rate
                        incinerated.  Forestry  can   number of reuses.                       depends  on  the  local
                        affect  the  carbon  stocks   Ÿ Starch-based  bags  were  found  to    conditions. Exposure to UV
                        above  and  below  ground.   have no environmental benefit             light,  availability  of
                        T h i s   e ff e c t   c a n   b e                                     oxygen,  temperature,  and
                        considerable,  potentially                                            humidity  influence  the
                        leading  to  a  high  climate                                         degradation  process  of
                        impact or a climate benefit,                                           degradable  plastics,  paper
                        depending  on  the  forest                                            and cotton.
                                                                                            Ÿ Oxo-degradable  plastics
                       Ÿ Cotton  bags  need  to  be                                           seem  to  only  partially
                        reused 50-150 times followed                                          fragment,  i.e.  they  leave
                        by  incineration  or  recycling                                       residues behind.
                        before their climate impact
                        is  comparable  to  single-use
                        plastic bags.

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                                      Do let us know what you feel

                               about this issue of Plastics News                            .

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                                           Thank you, in advance.

            MAY  2020                                        15                                     Plastics News
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