Page 29 - Plastics News May 2021
P. 29

internAtionAL news

          Washington to ban polystyrene                          UK  Government  to  double

          foam takeaway containers                               plastic bag charge in England

              ashington  Governor Jay  Inslee  is set to sign into   he UK Government has decided to double the cost
          Wlaw a bipartisan bill to ban polystyrene foam  Tof single-use plastic bags in England from 21 May.
          takeaway containers. The bill aims to ban various types of   All stores, including corner shops, will comply with the
          polystyrene used in food containers and increase the use   increase from 5p to 10p. The government launched
          of post-consumer recycled (PCR) content in packaging. The   the 5p levy in 2015 in an effort to cut down on sales of
          ban will cover peanuts, coolers and foodware. In addition,
          businesses will only be allowed to provide single-use
          utensils, cups, lids and condiments if they are requested
          by customers. Plastic beverage bottles, household cleaning
          and personal care bottles, as well as rubbish bags, will also
          be required to contain minimum levels of PCR content.
          With this bill, Washington will become the seventh US
          state to ban polystyrene foam takeaway containers. In the
          past 13 months, New York, New Jersey and Virginia have
          each passed bans on polystyrene. Environment Washington
          campaign associate Mandy Apa said: “Washington’s ocean
          habitats, waterways and wildlife are among the state’s
          most important treasures.“By taking action to stop this
          dangerous single-use product, our leaders have chosen to
          put the planet over plastic. Nothing we use for five minutes   single-use plastic bags. The initiative has seen plastic
          should  pollute  our  planet  for  generations  to  come.”   bag sales decrease by 95% in major supermarkets. In
          US  Public  Interest  Research  Group  (PIRG)  Zero  Waste   England, the average shopper now purchases only four
          Programme director Alex Truelove said: “Polystyrene foam   carrier bags from the main supermarkets a year because
                                                                 of the charge. By doubling the charge and extending it
                                                                 to all businesses, the government aims to reduce the
                                                                 use of single-use carrier bags by small and medium-
                                                                 sized businesses by 70-80%.Last March, the charge was
                                                                 dropped for online deliveries in an effort to speed up
                                                                 food distribution during the coronavirus (Covid-19)
                                                                 outbreak. Environment Minister Rebecca Pow said: “The
                                                                 introduction of the 5p charge has been a phenomenal
                                                                 success, driving down sales of harmful plastic bags
                                                                 in supermarkets by a remarkable 95%. “We know we
                                                                 must go further to protect our natural environment and
                                                                 oceans, which is why we are now extending this charge
                                                                 to all businesses. “Over the next couple of weeks, I urge
                                                                 all retailers of all sizes to make sure they are ready
          containers are among the most common, harmful and      for the changes, as we work together to build back
          non-recyclable plastic products on the market. “Getting   greener and strengthen our world-leading action to
          rid of foam, and requiring other polluting products upon   combat the scourge of plastic waste.” Next April, the
          request, will encourage less waste and more reuse.” Last   UK Government will introduce a plastic packaging tax
          month, Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Representative   for products containing less than 30% recycled content.
          of California Alan Lowenthal reintroduced the Break Free   The government is currently consulting on reforms to
          from Plastic Pollution Act, which aims to address plastic   introduce a deposit return scheme for drinks containers
          pollution.                                             and Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.

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