Page 30 - Plastics News May 2021
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internAtionAL news

          Maine EPR bills differ on producer                     APR recognizes recyclability of

          control                                                packaging technologies

            awmakers in Maine are considering two bills that each   DPE tubes, PET aerosol containers and PP
          Lestablishes extended producer responsibility programs  Hthermoforms were among the packaging innovations
          covering packaging of all material types, but with key   that received recyclability recognition from the
          differences in program management. wo state proposals   Association of Plastic Recyclers recently. APR awarded
          under consideration in the Northeast get at a central   critical guidance recognition letters to tube manufacturer
          question of extended producer responsibility programs for   Tupack Verpackungen, brand owner Procter & Gamble
          packaging: Should the government or private industry have   (P&G), pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline
                                 more control? Maine lawmakers   (GSK) and packaging producer Silgan. During APR
                                 last month introduced LD 1471,   webinars held earlier company officials presented on
                                 billed as “an act to establish   the innovations, which can be recycled in widely used
                                 a  stewardship  program  for    plastics  recycling  processes.  Matthias  Wilhelm  from
                                 packaging,” and LD 1541, “an    Tupack said the packaging is predominantly sold into
                                 act  to  support  and  improve   the cosmetics market. To achieve APR recognition,
                                 municipal recycling programs    Tupack had PTI-Europe test two different versions:
                                 and  save  taxpayer  money.”    a PE mono tube and a PE co-extruded tube. Both of
                                 Both bills establish extended   them include a blend of HDPE and LLDPE, but the co-
                                 producer responsibility (EPR)   extruded tube also includes EVOH sandwiched between
                                 programs covering packaging     layers  of  HDPE  and  LLDPE. A  maleated  polyolefin  is
                                 of most material types,         used as a tie layer. Tupack has two production plants
                                 requiring producers to fund     in Austria, and 99% of the family-owned company’s
                                 end-of-life management for      products are exported around the world. Scott Smith,
                                 those materials.                research fellow at P&G, explained that the company has
          But they contain key differences, particularly in how   developed two recyclable all-plastic aerosol containers
          the EPR program would be managed and how producer      to replace metal ones. The most recent one to undergo
          payments  would  be  calculated.Under  LD  1471,  a    recyclability testing is a bag-in-bottle design, where the
          stewardship  organization  would  annually  determine  its   product is inside a bag in a bottle. A propellant, which is
          budget for managing the program and meeting regulatory   located between the bag and the bottle, collapses the
          requirements, and it would adopt a fee schedule for how
          much each producer would need to pay. Under LD 1541,
          on the other hand, the state Department of Environmental
          Protection would set the fee schedule, which would be
          based on the per-ton costs associated with collecting
          and processing the producer’s packaging material. In
          general, LD 1541 creates a more government-managed
          EPR program, whereas LD 1471 puts producers in the
          driver’s seat.LD 1471, sponsored by Democratic Sen. James
          Dill, was referred to the Committee on Environment and
          Natural Resources on April 12, and LD 1541, sponsored
          by Democratic Rep. Nicole Grohoski, was referred to the
          committee on April 20. Both bills were discussed in a public
          hearing on May 10. During the hearing, Dill said his bill   bag and ejects the product when the valve is opened.
          is similar to EPR approaches taken by lawmakers in New   The other more-common design is a dip-stick aerosol,
          York and Oregon, and he said it follows EPR principles   where the propellant and product are mixed together
          set out by the Product Stewardship Institute and Flexible   in the bottle and the product is ejected up the dipstick
          Packaging Association.                                 when the valve opens.

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