Page 80 - Plastics News May 2024
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         tailored for various applications, in-  Performance:  Some biodegradable  healthcare.
         cluding food packaging and medical  plastics may have limitations in terms   Consumer  Goods:  Eco-friendly  prod-
         implants.                           of mechanical strength, barrier proper-  ucts  such as cutlery,  cups, and hy-
                                             ties, and shelf life compared to tradi-
         Starch-Based  Plastics: These plastics                                  giene products leverage biodegradable
         are  derived from agricultural crops   tional plastics.                 plastics to meet consumer demand for
         such as potatoes, wheat, or corn. They  Recycling Infrastructure:  Proper dis-  sustainable choices.
         are biodegradable and suitable for ap-  posal  and recycling infrastructure  for   Automotive: Biodegradable materials
         plications  like  bags,  films,  and  foam  biodegradable plastics are essential to   in automotive components  and inte-
         packaging.                          maximize their environmental benefits.
                                                                                 rior furnishings contribute to greener
         Polybutylene Succinate (PBS): PBS is  Regulatory  Compliance: Standards  transportation solutions.
         a bio-based polyester  with good me-  and  certifications  ensure  the  qual-
         chanical properties. It is used in pack-  ity and biodegradability of these plas-  Conclusion:
         aging,  mulch  films,  and  agricultural  tics, requiring adherence to regulatory   The  evolution of  biodegradable plas-
         applications.                       frameworks.                         tics  represents  a  significant  step  to-

         Polyethylene Furanoate (PEF): PEF is a  F. Applications and Future Trends  wards  achieving  a greener  and  more
         bio-based polyester with potential as a   Biodegradable plastics find diverse ap-  sustainable future. With ongoing re-
         substitute for PET (polyethylene tere-  plications across industries, including:  search,  technological innovation, and
         phthalate) in beverage bottles, offering                                collaboration  across  industries,  bio-
         improved barrier properties and envi-  Packaging:  Biodegradable  packaging  degradable plastics are poised to play
         ronmental sustainability.           materials offer sustainable alternatives  a pivotal role in reducing plastic pol-
                                             for food packaging, shopping bags,  lution, conserving natural resources,
         E. Challenges and Considerations
                                             and single-use plastics.            and promoting environmental stew-
         While biodegradable plastics offer sig-  Agriculture:  Biodegradable  mulch  ardship. Embracing these eco-friendly
         nificant  environmental  benefits,  they   films, plant pots, and agricultural im-  alternatives is not just a choice but a
         also face challenges  and considera-  plements support eco-friendly farming   necessity  in safeguarding  our planet
         tions that warrant attention:       practices.                          for future generations.
         Cost: Production costs of biodegrad-  Medical: Biodegradable polymers  are        Source – Plastic Technology
         able  plastics  are  often  higher  than   used in medical implants, drug de-
         conventional  plastics,  impacting  their   livery systems,  and  surgical  sutures,
         widespread adoption.
                                             minimizing environmental  impact in

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