Page 77 - Plastics News May 2024
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         all trend.                          wards mixed paper, Miller said, but the
         Three projects by a company called Ce-  mix primarily depends on orders from
         ladon Development Corporation were   customers.  The  mill  has  flexibility  to
         announced in 2019, 2021 and 2022, in   modify that mixture.
         Savannah, Georgia; Chesapeake, Vir-  The input paper is processed by pulp-
         ginia; and Tampa, Florida. Local media  ing equipment supplied by Kadant
         reports  indicate  the  Georgia  and Vir-  Black Clawson, a major equipment
         ginia facilities  came  online. Resource  manufacturer  for  paper  mills. This
         Recycling was unable to reach com-  process removes impurities and mixes
         pany leaders to learn about the cur-  the fiber into a consistent pulp. Then,
         rent scope of operations or pulp export  in a step that’s unusual for pulp mills,
         volumes.                            the pulp is put into an industrial dryer.
                                             Drying is necessary  to prepare  the
         One highly-watched project is Total
         Fiber Recovery, also located in Ches-  pulp for the multi-week shipping voy-
         apeake,  Virginia. It’s  a  joint-venture   age overseas, because wet pulp would
         between  equipment  supplier  Bulk   degrade during that time frame.
         Handling Systems and recovered com-  After the pulp is dried, it is conveyed into
         modities broker Cellmark. First an-  a baler, which produces 1,100-pound   cause of its strength, which is due to
         nounced in 2020, the mill has been in  dried pulp bales. It’s a solid bale, Miller   U.S. fiber products typically including
         the  process  of starting  up since  last  said, but the company has been wrap-  higher levels of virgin content. One ef-
         October.                            ping the bales – using OCC-based lin-  fect of China’s recovered paper import
         In an April 30 interview, BHS CEO   erboard material – because the bales   ban was to take away a source of re-
                                                                                 covered paper with higher virgin con-
         Steve Miller said the mill is currently   have a tendency to slough off some of   tent, and buying bales of recycled pulp
         operating at about 50% of its projected   their outer material otherwise.  is one way for Chinese paper compa-
         capacity. At full capacity, it expects to  The buyer can feed the pulp into their   nies to add in some of that structural
         bring in about 800 short tons per day  process alongside raw recovered fiber   integrity.
         of mixed paper and OCC, and to pro-  or on its own as the standalone feed-
         duce about 660 short tons of recycled  stock. Miller noted U.S. recovered fiber   Source – Resource Recycling
         pulp per day.                       – and the resulting pulp – remains at-
                                             tractive to overseas buyers in part be-
         The mill’s input is heavily weighted to-

          Analyst lays out cyclic pattern of recycled resin markets

                 long runup in recycled natural  tics Recycling Conference in Grape-  time,  noting that  recycled  material
                 HDPE prices came to an end  vine, Texas in March. She spoke along-  historically was used as a cheaper al-
                 last summer,  when prices  side Andrea Bassetti, recycled plastics  ternative to virgin or wide-spec resin.
                 plummeted to levels not seen  senior analyst at ICIS, who presented  “Wide-spec” refers  to virgin material
          since 2019. A market analyst with ICIS  on chemical recycling markets. The  that  does  not  meet  specifications  for
          recently  explained how this has  be-  session was moderated by Dan Holt-  prime plastic and is sold as a cheaper
          come a trend in the plastics recycling  meyer,  managing  editor  of  Resource  feedstock.
          market – and how the cycle is begin-  Recycling, Inc.                  Friedman  said post-industrial or
          ning again.                                                            mixed-color  recycled  resin pricing
                                             HDPE  example  shows  recycled
          Emily Friedman,  recycled  plastics                                    still battles with wide-spec and virgin,
          senior editor at ICIS, spoke about the   premium ceiling               but that the pricing dynamic for other
          market trend during “Insight From the  Friedman gave a rundown of how re-  grades is changing, in part because of
          Analysts,” a session at the 2024 Plas-  cycled resin pricing has evolved over  brand owner demand. These materials,

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