Page 76 - Plastics News May 2024
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          The company sought to diversify its  in the previously nascent pulp export  Multiple attempts to solicit comment
          feedstock  channels as the Chinese  market: Recycled pulp exports jumped  from Nine Dragons on the current sta-
          government continued to heighten re-  from 48,000 short tons in 2018 up to  tus of those two U.S. mills and recy-
          strictions on fiber imports: U.S. recov-  295,000 short tons in 2019, year-over-  cled pulp exports were not successful
          ered  paper  exports  to  China dropped  year growth of more than 500%. They  by press time.
          from 14.5 million short tons in 2016,  grew to 362,000 short tons in 2020,   Moore has firsthand knowledge of the
          down to  12.0 million short  tons  in  458,000 short tons in 2021 and a   challenges with recycled pulp exports.
          2017, 8.3 million in 2018, 5.9 million  whopping 531,000 short tons in 2022.  He  was  part  of  the  team  developing
          in 2019, 5.0 million in 2020, and plum-  But in 2023, the  upward  trajectory  Empire Recycled Fiber, a planned re-
          meted to just 500,000 short tons in   crashed down, with recycled pulp ex-  cycled pulp mill in the Northeast U.S. It
          2021, a whopping 89% drop year over   ports  dropping 60% to  hit 211,000  was announced in 2020, with a planned
          year. That means in 2021, U.S. exports   short tons. By the end of 2023, pulp  location in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania.
          of recovered fiber to China were down   exports had dwindled to just 8,000  The project was later relocated to Day-
          96%  from  what  they  were  just  five   short  tons  in November  and 4,000  ton, Ohio.
          years earlier.                     short  tons in December  – a far  cry
          By mid-2021, Nine  Dragons  had  se-  from 33,000 short tons and 38,000   But now, Moore says,  the project is
                                                                                 dead. He identified a few key challeng-
          cured 313,000 tons  per year  of U.S.  short tons in November and December   es that the project couldn’t overcome.
          recycled  pulp production.  And the  2022, respectively.
          company wasn’t alone in pursuing   The low volumes have continued this   “In  order  to  finance  a  project  to  sell
          this business model. Another major   year, with monthly volumes averaging   pulp to China, you have to have a long-
          Chinese  paper  firm,  Shanying  Inter-  around 4,000 short tons.      term, 20-year guaranteed contract that
          national, purchased a shuttered paper                                  you’ve  got  a  buyer  in China,” Moore
          mill in Wickliffe, Kentucky in 2018, and  Many of the planned recycled projects  said. The Empire mill had a buyer in
          in 2019 the company announced plans  have been paused or canceled, and ex-  place who was ready to purchase the
          to develop a paper recycling facility  isting plants have scaled back.  material, but the buyer didn’t want to
          onsite  to  produce  recycled  pulp and   Shanying  International’s  Kentucky  fa-  sign on to numerous terms and credit
          export it to China. Over the next few   cility is indeed active and successful,   guarantees  that would be needed  for
          years,  a handful of other companies   operating as Phoenix Paper, but the re-  the  facility  to  secure  funding,  Moore
          announced plans to develop recycled   cycled pulp portion never materialized.   explained.
          pulp mills from scratch.           The facility produces a bleached virgin  It’s  a  financing  issue,  and  Chinese
          The activity – particularly Nine Drag-  pulp product.                  mills simply don’t want to sign 10- or
          ons’ mill acquisitions and export plan   At Nine Dragons, macroeconomic fac-  20-year purchase contracts, he said.
          – translated  into  exponential growth   tors played into a substantial pullback  “That, and COVID, really nixed the pro-
                                              in  U.S.  operations. A  year ago, the  ject,” Moore said.
                                              company  announced  it would “sig-  Additionally,  for companies looking
                                              nificantly  reduce”  pulp  production  at   to sell recycled pulp to external buy-
                                              its Fairmont, West Virginia, mill, and   ers  – as opposed  to companies like
                                              that it would idle its Old Town, Maine,   Nine Dragons  that  were aiming to
                                              facility. Both facilities were previously   use it internally – recycled pulp prices
                                              producing  recycled  pulp. The  an-  have  added another  headwind: Re-
                                              nouncements came as Nine Dragons   cently they were hovering at $300 to
                                              reported a loss for the latter half of   $325 per metric ton delivered to China,
                                              2022, the first time the company had   which Moore noted is very low.
                                              reported a loss since 2006. Addition-
                                              ally, the company cited rising costs of  Total  Fiber  Recovery  is  now  opera-
                                              fiber  and  energy  contributing  to  the  tional
                                              scaling back of U.S. operations.   There are a few exceptions to the over-

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