Page 16 - Plastics News November 2018
P. 16

AipmA At work

             goods from Daman and Vapi are being prevented      across the country and there were some changes that
             to come into Maharashtra their units have not      happened because of the efforts of industry associations
             been registered with Maharashtra Pollution Control   and especially you. Can you give some details about how
             Board. However there is no provision to register a   it was and how could you were able to communicate
             manufacturer from one state in all states of India.   between the government and industry?
             So these are tithing troubles but this tithing troubles   ●   When GST started many of our plastics products were
             are stopping industries in track their inconvenience   rated at 28% which was tremendously high taxation
             to consumers and users and it is leading to lot of heat   rate which would have impacted industry in a very
             burn, corruptions, and legal cases. This is not fair, this   major manner. When the competing material, same
             is not the way we expected country to become mighty    product with competing material were taxed at 18%
             that India is going to be in future. We got to be fair   Plastics Products were at 28%. We went around, we
             to people, rule of law should be based on educated     explained to the authorities, to ministers, central
             enforcement of law, educated making of law. Orders     government and ultimately around, just before
             which come out without any basis and studies and       Gujarat elections it was declared that from 28% it is
             implementations i.e. ground level reality, the officers   coming to 18%. There was a major breakthrough and
             themselves do not understand this implications of law   I think with that a major huddle to growth has been
             and what they are implementing at the ground level is   removed. However there are so many other issues
             very different and difficult. There is huge amount of   which we are pledging to the industry i.e. There is
             confusion in end users as to what is banned and what   little confusion about classification of some products
             is not banned. Between two cities, two municipalities,   within HS Codes for eg, Members from Toys Industries
             two  officers  there  are  opinions  differences.  Such   who are making PVC dough, now there is an advance
             things are not fair to anybody concerned and what we   ruling  which  says  it should  be  taxed  under  18%;
             wish is that the government should listen to people    when Toy sector itself was under 12%, so for last so
             and  help  us  to  solve  the  problem.  When  we  pay   much time people were taxed at 12% and suddenly a
             18% GST, when we pay nearly between to 20% - 30%       pre-ruling says it should be taxes at 18%. The fact is
             income tax and every stake own of every business is    excise department in earlier ruling had clearly said
             less than 5%, so please understand government is our   that it is toy item so it should be charged at 12%.
             major partner in our businesses. We want government    So such changes or confusions means that there are
             to take responsibility like a partner because then it   a lot of retailers that should be penalized because
             will be growth for everybody. India need to be ready   they can’t go to the consumers and ask for higher
             to provide deploy, world’s largest work force then     rates. Lot of traders and manufacturers will come
             India will be ready by 2025 productively employ a      into trouble by retrospective effect of such changes
             generation of young Indians for higher aspirations. We   in  the  rate. This  also  lives  room  for  inspector-raj
             can only do it, if we make it rewarding for businesses   and leading to corruption as far as possible if there
             to set  up  and  operate  in  India  with  ease  of doing   was one country one rate such problem will vanish.
             business with Make In India successful. It can only    Today there are lot of items which are imported and
             happen when the current manufacturers are given        exported out of India and we have seen that the same
             due respect, due space and they are being heard to     items which are imported in different ports carry
             remove their difficulty and as this changeover to the   different HS Codes and same items exported outside
             new system is little smoother littler easier it will make   of India when it is received in different countries is
             life easier to everybody
                                                                    cleared under in different HS Codes. So HS Codes
         Sir you are talking about GST and I am aware that          classifications is not so sacrosanct that there cannot
         you are communicating with the government and all          be misunderstanding in between classification within
         the associations and representing all the associations     the  government  officers  itself  even  there  were  4

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