Page 38 - Plastics News November 2020
P. 38
SCG Packaging acquires Go-Pak UK for UFP Industries makes equity investment in
undisclosed sum Enwrap Logistic & Packaging
hailand-based packaging solution provider SCG FP Industries has made an undisclosed equity
TPackaging (SCGP) today acquired UK-based Uinvestment in Italy-based Enwrap Logistic &
disposable food products packaging manufacturer Go- Packaging to boost its international industrial
Pak for an undisclosed sum. Go-Pak founder Simon packaging presence.
Lawley said: “Go-Pak has found the perfect home in U F P I n d u s t r i e s ,
joining together with SCG Packaging. Go-Pak has w h i c h i s
achieved so much as an independently-owned business headquartered in
over the past 11 years. It has been a great journey so the US, made the
far, and our growth strategy and potential will continue
investment through
to flourish as part of the SCG family. Not only does this
its associates UFP
Global Holdings.
Formally named as
Job Service, the
n e w l y f o r m e d
company will offer
high-value, mixed
material industrial
p a c k a g i n g a n d
logistics services.
Headquartered in
M i l a n , E n w r a p
generated approximately $14m in sales last year
across its eight locations in Italy.UFP international
operations executive vice president Dick McBride said:
make Go-Pak stronger, but it will also allow the “The Enwrap team is the type of partner we have been
business to maximise its full potential as part of SCG
seeking to establish our presence in Europe. “Their
Packaging.” Go-Pak, in its release added, “our business
strength in design, manufacturing and logistics will
and products range complements SCGP's extremely
provide us with the platform we need to expand
well, making this pairing the perfect choice whilst
throughout the continent. In addition, their passion
offering benefits to both current and future customers.
and work ethics are an important cultural match with
It added that the acquisition will support Go-Pak's
UFP Industries. We look forward to our future growth
growth by enhancing its product offering and further
together.” Following the investment, Job Service
marketing development. In turn, Go-Pak will help drive
president and managing director Luigi Postiglione will
SCGP's expansion into the UK, European, and North
lead the newly formed joint venture. “We are very
American markets. Go-Pak claimed that sustainability
excited to have such a strong and experienced partner
will be the “hallmark of the future direction of the
in UFP Industries. UFP has a clear motivation to grow
business” with this acquisition. It also confirmed that
its global packaging business, and we share the same
it's management, operations, customers, and brand
passion. Enwrap combines UFP's global resources with
identity will remain unchanged. SCGP chief executive
our custom product range and access to markets,
Wichan Jitpukee said: “We are extremely pleased to
collaborate with Go-Pak, our new partner with whom offering new capabilities to customers throughout
we look forward to working together to grow in the Europe and the Middle East.” Postiglione added. With
European market as well as expand the business in the this investment, UFP Global will be able to serve
United States, as we plan to build upon this impressive customers in Central and Southern Europe. UFP
platform and strong B2B2C focus. We welcome their Industries supplies wood, wood composite and other
knowledge, flexibility and creativity to our business.” products to retail, construction and industrial sectors.
NOVEMBER 2020 38 Plastics News