Page 46 - Plastics News November 2022
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          reasons why used plastic is piling up  tens of millions of unique enzymes  continues  to  become  more  crucial
          in our oceans, landfills and incinera-  to identify the most effective way to  to support that growth, it's clear that
          tors. PEI has innovated a low-energy,  recycle waste materials into reusable  the  work  Protein  Evolution  is  do-
          cost-competitive process for upcy-  chemicals. This approach will help to  ing will help lay the foundation for
          cling  finished  plastics  that's  poised  decarbonize the chemicals industry  the future of synthetic biology," said
          to meet both industry concerns  and  will  carry  significant  impact  in  Jonathan Rothberg, co-founder and
          and deliver massive environmen-    the emerging bioeconomy as compa-   Chairman of Protein Evolution. "At
          tal  benefits.  We're  working  hard  to  nies, communities and governments  4Catalyzer, we've created a number
          usher in a new era of plastics—one  are  required  to  meet  global  sus-  of world 'firsts' in the health technol-
          that's truly sustainable and circular."  tainability goals in the years ahead.  ogy industry, all of which aim to help

          “Corporations, and the actions they  “Nature has already produced a    heal the people we love. I am incred-
          take  today,  play  a  significant  role  in  bacteria that can break down plas-  ibly proud of the work the team at
          charting the course of the climate  tic for emission-free recycling, but   Protein Evolution has done to lever-
          future,” says Sophie Bakalar, a part-  it’s extremely slow. If we had a   age 4Catalyzer's strengths in AI and
          ner at Collaborative Fund and  PEI  few million years to wait for evolu-  synthetic biology to help heal the
          Board Member. “The technology  tion to run its course, we'd have       planet  we  all  love  and  depend  on."
          that Protein Evolution has developed  something  much  more  efficient,"  The Protein Evolution team works in
          allows the world’s largest consumer  said Scott Stankey, PEI Co-Found-  tandem with pre-eminent research-
          brands to meet sustainability com-  er  and  Chief  Technology  Officer.  ers who are pushing the boundaries
          mitments at scale, without com-    "Our technology condenses a million-  of protein engineering and materi-
          promising on cost or quality of ma-  year evolutionary process into a single   als innovation. The team expects to
          terials. Our investment in PEI is an   day—helping us create an affordable,   launch  its  first  commercial  partner-
          incredible  opportunity  to  support   scalable and effective solution to rev-  ship by the end of 2022, addressing
          an innovator who will soon become   olutionize the plastic waste industry."  the needs of global consumer brands
          a leader in the global bioeconomy.”                                    seeking  to recycle  and transform
                                             "As the bioeconomy continues to
          Protein Evolution’s technology it-  grow, and scaling biomanufacturing   textiles and mixed-plastic waste.
          eratively tests, evaluates and maps

          Canadian Project Shows Digital Watermarks Aid Sortation of Flexible Packaging

             pilot project in Canada demon-  of Canadian conditions,” according  first  in  North  America.  Using  Digi-
          A  strated that “covert digital wa-  to Digimarc. “Remarkably, the re-  marc Recycle technology, the covert
          termarks” (almost imperceptible to  sults show consistent behavior no  digital watermarks can be read by a
          the naked eye) can dramatically im-  matter the type of material used,  suitably programmed optical scanner
          prove sortation of films and flexible  the form factor or the type of com-  that is interfaced with a cloud-based
          packaging, which cannot be handled  mingled waste.” Starting next year,  repository of product attributes such
          effectively  by  conventional  opti-  CPT aims to implement the technol-  s brand, SKU, product variant, pack-
          cal  sortation  technology.  That’s  the  ogy in Canadian separation facilities.  aging  composition,  food/nonfood
          report from Digimarc Corp., Bea-   Digimarc Recycle technology involv-  use, etc. The same information can
          verton, Ore., which worked with    ing covert digital watermarks either   be used to provide product-specific
          Canada’s Circular Plastics Taskforce   printed on packaging or molded into   and location-based disposal instruc-
          (CPT),  participating converters and   the surface of rigid plastics has been   tions from the brand owner directly
          Pellenc ST, a French producer of in-  used in large-scale sorting assess-  to consumers. Scannable data in the
          telligent optical sorting equipment   ments over the past year, most nota-  digital  watermarks  also  can  pro-
          and connected services (U.S. of-   bly as part of the HolyGrail 2.0 cross-  vide a comprehensive view of the
          fice  in  N.Y.C.).  Accuracy  of  detec-  industry initiative in Europe driven   post-purchase  product  journey  for
          tion  and  sorting  was  99%  for  films   by AIM—European Brands Associa-  Producer Responsibility initiatives.
          and  flexibles  constituting  a  mixed-  tion  and  the  Alliance  to  End  Plastic
          waste sample that is “characteristic   Waste. The Canadian project was the

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