Page 47 - Plastics News November 2022
P. 47


          Australia, Indonesia Show Innovations to Tackle Plastic Waste
                                                                                 “The health of our oceans and wa-
                                                                                 terways is linked to our nations’ eco-
                                                                                 nomic growth and  prosperity. Both
                                                                                 Indonesia and Australia are island na-
                                                                                 tions that share concerns about the
                                                                                 impact of marine plastic pollution,”
                                                                                 Williams said.

                                                                                 Amelia Fyfield, CSIRO Counsellor and
                                                                                 ASEAN Director, also said that the
                                                                                 Demo Day formed part of a larger,
                                                                                 holistic approach  to tackling plastic
                                                                                 waste in the region.
                                                                                 “Supporting innovators to translate
             ustralia’s National Science Agen-  Indonesia, a partnership between  deep tech into real-world solutions
         Acy or CSIRO  holds Demo Day,  Australia’s CSIRO  and Indonesia’s  is critical in solving this global issue,
         exhibiting  new innovations to tackle  Ministry  of Education,  Culture,  Re-  so it’s exciting to work alongside our
         plastic waste, in Jimbaran of Bali, No-  search, and Technology, as well as  partners to train the next generation
         vember 3, 2022. Demo Day is a part  Indonesia’s National Plastics Action  of Indonesia’s and Australia’s emerg-
         of the Road to G20 Summit in Bali.  Partnership (NPAP).                 ing changemakers,” Fyfield said.
         The innovations ranging from plastic-  Penny Williams PSM, Australian Am-  According to Fyfield, plastic waste is
         free agricultural solutions to technol-  bassador to Indonesia, said the event  a shared problem as it knows no bor-
         ogy that transforms the livelihoods of  is part of ongoing collaborative efforts  ders. Thus she hoped Indonesia and
         Indonesian waste pickers are intro-  to support innovations so as to solve  Australia  could  find  long-term  solu-
         duced by the Plastics Innovation Hub  environmental issues in the two coun-  tions.

          MTL, IISc Bengaluru Collaborate To Develop 'Innovative & Sustainable' Plas-
          tic Packaging Solutions

             he primary aim of this MoU is to  devise a recyclable elastomeric mate-  Excellence for recycling and upcycling
         Treplace a variety of non-recycla-  rial for all plastic pumps/triggers. They  thermoplastics. It is utilised in a broad
         ble packaging materials with recycla-  will also collaborate to strengthen the  spectrum of rigid plastic packaging in
         ble monolayer materials, which would  caps of Polyethylene  Terephthalate  daily life, ranging from cleaning prod-
         assist in making transport affordable  (PET) bottles, which are made of 100  ucts  such as washing  tablets to soft
         and decrease breakage and damage.   per cent recyclable plastic.        drink bottles.
         A Memorandum of Understanding  Creating Plastic Packaging Solutions     What Can All Be Expected From This
         (MoU) has been signed between In-   MLT, the rigid plastic packaging solu-  Collaboration?
         dia's largest  rigid plastic packaging   tions provider, announced on Tuesday  Thimmaiah Napanda,  the managing
         company --  Manjushree  Technopack   that  it  had signed an MoU with  the  director (MD)  and chief executive
         Ltd (MTL),  and the  country's top-  Bengaluru-based IISc to develop "in-  officer  (CEO)  of  MTL,  said,  "This  is
         ranked university -- Indian Institute of   novative and sustainable" plastic pack-  a  significant  development  which  will
         Science (IISc), Bengaluru, to develop   aging solutions, reported NDTV.   enable us to explore opportunities in
         solutions to change garbage into plas-                                  existing  technologies  developed by
         tic packaging that enables repeated   According to a statement released by   IISc in the polymer segment."
         recycling of products.              MTL, as part of the MoU, the educa-
                                             tion institute will set up a Centre of
         The associations will work together to

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