Page 48 - Plastics News November 2022
P. 48


          Novelis begins construction of $50m recycling centre in South Korea

                                                                                 content in our products.
                                                                                 “Doing  so  will reduce our  carbon
                                                                                 footprint, as well as that of our cus-
                                                                                 tomers and industry as a whole, and
                                                                                 lead us closer to realising  our 2050
                                                                                 goal for carbon neutrality.”
                                                                                 The new facility marks the latest in-
                                                                                 vestment  for Novelis  to increase  its
                                                                                 recycling capacity globally.
                                                                                 The facility is being built by Ulsan Alu-
                                                                                 minium, the company’s joint venture
                                                                                 (JV) with Kobe Steel.
                                                                                 It  is expected  to be operational in
                                                                                 A ground-breaking ceremony for the
                                                                                 facility was attended by Ulsan Metro-
                                                                                 politan City Mayor Doo-Gyeom Kim
             he new recycling centre in Ulsan  In addition, the Ulsan recycling  cen-  and Ulsan Chamber of Commerce
         Twill have an annual casting capaci-  tre is designed  to address the long-  chairman Yeon-Chul Lee, among oth-
         ty of 100kt of low-carbon sheet ingot.  term  global demand for sustainable,   ers.
         US-based aluminium packaging  pro-  low-carbon aluminium sheets for can,   In South Korea, Novelis also operates
         vider Novelis has commenced con-    automotive  and high-end  speciality   another aluminium recycling centre in
         struction on a new recycling centre in   products.                      Yeongju, North Gyeongsang Province.
         South Korea.                        The centre is expected to cut Nov-  The Yeongju facility, which is claimed
         The $50m recycling centre in Ulsan,   elis’  carbon emissions  by  more  than   to be the largest in Asia, processes
         which will have a 100kt annual casting   420,000tpa.                    more than 18 billion used beverage
         capacity  of low-carbon sheet  ingot,  Novelis Asia president Sachin Satpute   cans annually.
         takes the company’s recycling capac-  said: “As the world leader in sustain-  Last month, Novelis started the con-
         ity by more than 20% to 440kt in Ko-  able,  low-carbon rolled  aluminium   struction  of a recycling  and rolling
         rea.                                solutions, we are focused on acceler-  plant in Bay Minette, Alabama, US.
         According to Novelis, the new facility   ating the transition of the aluminium
         will enhance its capability to process   industry to a circular economy model
         different types of aluminium scrap.  through the increased use of recycled

          The hidden treasure of plastic waste

             gypt  and other  countries  have  fairs and the Technology and Industrial  lenge into a lucrative opportunity.
         Ebeen struggling with plastic waste  Innovation Centre supervisor, told Al-  Egypt’s entrepreneurs have embarked
         for decades. The country’s consump-  Ahram Weekly. The number rose to   on efforts to recycle  plastic waste
         tion of plastic bags stood at an average  14 billion in 2019.           into renewable  wealth  and convert
         of 124 bags per capita in 2015, equiva-  In a bid to boost the government’s ef-  plastic into fuel and raw materials to
         lent to 12 billion per year, according to   forts to address this issue, a group of  be utilised in various industries. This
         the  Egypt  Plastic  Technology  Centre   entrepreneurs has adopted a comple-  new recycling industry has generated
         of the Ministry of Trade and Industry,   mentary  approach, utilising  technol-  green job opportunities, prevented
         Ahmed Reda, assistant for industry af-  ogy and innovation to turn this chal-  the waste of  resources, and  spared

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