Page 52 - Plastic News November 2023
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          Borouge, Pashupati Group partner on plastics recycling
                                             Pashupati Group, an India-based me-  ing, and recycling solutions, they said
                                             chanical and chemical recycler of PET.  without revealing more details.
                                             Pashupati Group operates  waste  “This partnership is a testament  to
                                             management  services  under the  Ex-  Pashupati's vision and relentless effort
                                             tended Producer Responsibility (EPR)  to contribute to a circular economy
                                             legislation  for plastics introduced in  and create  sustainable materials on
                                             India in 2016. The company uses its  par with prime materials,” the com-
                                             Waste Circularity mobile app to col-  pany said in a statement, “Our strong
                                             lect  plastic waste  in challenging  ter-  commitment to sustainability is a guid-
                                             rains, including mountains and coastal  ing factor in developing innovative so-
             he companies will collaborate on   areas, in addition to serving urban and  lutions to reduce plastic waste and
          Tthe collection, sorting, and recy-  rural settings.  It  collects  12  million  promote circularity.”
          cling of polymers
                                             PET  bottles  and  2  million  polyolefin   The  announcement  follows another
          Borouge, a joint venture between the  bottles a day.                   partnership between  Borouge  and
          United  Arab Emirates  oil company   Through the  new partnership, the  Abu Dhabi’s waste management cen-
          Adnoc and Austria’s Borealis, signed a   two companies will collaborate  on  tre in early October.
          memorandum of understanding with   the  development  of collection, sort-

          New packaging coalition calls on UN to recognise natural materials

                                             stream means of replacing plastic.  life benefits.

                                             The coalition, created by companies  It also pushes for ambitious policies
                                             Notpla, Loliware, Traceless, Xampla,  and incentives to phase out unneces-
                                             MarinaTex, Zerocircle and PlantSea,  sary  plastics  such  as  extended  pro-
                                             holds that these materials offer a re-  ducer responsibility  systems, taxes
                                             generative, circular solution to tackle  and levies.
                                             plastic waste and pollution.        Notpla co-founder Pierre Paslier com-
                                             The third session of the Intergovern-  mented: “The global treaty underway
           n  the  fight  against  plastic,  a  global  mental Negotiating Committee (INC-  now is a pivotal chance to coordinate
          Icoalition of packaging companies is  3) will kick off in Nairobi from 13-19  ambitious action to address the plas-
          calling on United Nations Treaty mak-  November. Representatives will come  tic  crisis.  We urge  policymakers  to
          ers to recognise natural polymer ma-  together  to develop an international  leverage this opportunity to support
          terials.                           legally  binding  instrument  on plastic  natural solutions as the key solution
                                             pollution, including in the marine en-  to avoid plastic waste and pollution al-
          The Natural Polymers Group is a new   vironment.                       together, rather than relying solely on
          industry voice committed  to scaling
          natural polymer solutions to reduce  The Natural Polymers Group has set   recycling or reuse of plastic.”
          plastic pollution globally.        out three policy endorsements ahead  The coalition also supports the EU’s
                                             of INC-3. This includes the call for a  Single-Use  Plastic Directive  and in-
          The group, representing seven com-
          panies  (across  the  US,  Europe  and   global and clear definition for plastic  vites  other  innovators,  businesses,
                                             and  non-plastic substitutes  and  an  researchers and NGOs to join its mis-
          India), has been founded to establish
          nature-based materials such as plants   expanded criteria  for circularity  that  sion.
                                             recognises natural polymer’s end-of-
          and seaweeds, as a viable and main-

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