Page 49 - Plastics News October 2019
P. 49


          CCI clears 70% stake acquisition                       Chroma Color completes $1m
          in SABIC by Saudi Aramco                               investment

             he Competition Commission of India has given approval   hroma Color Corporation has just completed a
          Tto the acquisition of 70 per cent stake in Saudi Basic  C\HDUORQJ H[SDQVLRQ DQG RYHU D    PLOOLRQ LQYHVWPHQW
          Industries Corporation (SABIC) by Saudi Arabian Oil    in the Leominster, MA manufacturing operation. These
          Company. Through this acquisition, Saudi Aramco will have   LQYHVWPHQWV LQFOXGHG  VLJQLÀFDQW VWUXFWXUDO XSJUDGHV
          sole control over SABIC.   In India, SABIC is mainly active   new compounding lines, a dust collection system, new
                                                                 state of the art color development laboratory, along
                                                                 ZLWK  LPSURYHPHQWV  WR  ERWK  ZDUHKRXVLQJ  DQG  RIÀFH
                                                                 environments.Tom Bolger, CEO, Chroma Color Corporation
                                                                 stated, “As we continue to strengthen our position in
                                                                 the color concentrate marketplace, we determined
                                                                 manufacturing site upgrades would be necessary to
                                                                 serve our customers growing need for technically strong
                                                                 partners. Today, I am proud to say Chroma Leominster has
                                                                 EHFRPH RQH RI RXU ÁDJVKLS VLWHV IRU RXU FXVWRPHUV DQG
                                                                 a true manufacturing center of excellence. Because
          in the supply of agri-nutrient and petrochemical products   of the new investments and capacity expansion in
          while Saudi Aramco is active in the supply of crude oil,   Leominster, Chroma Color Corporation is pursuing
                                                                 opportunities to better serve our customers across
          products.  In March 2019, Saudi Aramco had announced the   the entire manufacturing footprint. Earlier today,
          signing of a share purchase agreement to acquire 70 per   representatives of Chroma Color Corporation met
          cent majority stake in SABIC from the public investment   with employees at the Clinton, MA facility to inform
          fund of Saudi Arabia.                                  them that the Clinton operations will be relocating
                                                                 to the improved Leominster manufacturing site.
          The transaction value was pegged at 69.1 billion dollar.   A majority of current Clinton employees will be given the
          7KH UHPDLQLQJ     SXEOLFO\ WUDGHG VKDUHV LQ 6$%,& DUH QRW   opportunity to continue their careers with Chroma. The
          part of the transaction, and Saudi Aramco has no plans   Leominster facility is just 10 miles from the Clinton
          to acquire these remaining shares. The transaction is   site. Transition assistance will be made available for
          subject to certain closing conditions, including regulatory   those few employees not offered a transfer.“This
          approvals. Amin Nasser, President & CEO, Saudi Aramco   move is intended to streamline operations and better
          said: “This transaction is a major step in accelerating Saudi
          Aramco’s transformative downstream growth strategy
          world-class company with an outstanding workforce and
          chemicals capabilities. As part of the Saudi Aramco family
          of companies, together we will create a stronger, more
          robust business to enhance competitiveness and help meet
          rising demand for energy and chemicals products needed
          by our customers around the world.” The acquisition is   serve customers by integrating key operations into
          in line with Saudi Aramco’s long-term strategy to drive   existing manufacturing facilities where we have more
          growth through an enhanced Downstream portfolio by     advanced lab and technical equipment leveraging
          LQFUHDVLQJ  JOREDO  SDUWLFLSDWHG  UHÀQLQJ  FDSDFLW\  IURP   robust analytical and formulation resources. The value
          4.9 million to 8-10 million barrels per day by 2030, of   we can bring to our customers will be strengthened
          which 2-3 million barrels per day will be converted into   E\ WKHVH LPSURYHG HIÀFLHQFLHV DQG FDSDELOLWLHV µ VDLG
          petrochemical products.                                Tom Bolger, CEO, Chroma Color Corporation.

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