Page 52 - Plastics News October 2019
P. 52


          W.R. Grace & Co. licenses                              PolyOne in talks to buy Clariant

          UNIPOL PP Process technology                           masterbatch unit

          to BPCL
                                                                    RO\2QH  &RUS   LV  LQ  WDONV  WR  EX\  &ODULDQW $* V
               .R. Grace & Co., an American                      Pmasterbatch unit, according to a Bloomberg
          :chemical conglomerate                                 News report quoting unnamed sources.Clariant wants
          based in Columbia, has licensed                         DERXW        ELOOLRQ   IRU  WKH  EXVLQHVV   DFFRUGLQJ  WR
          its UNIPOL Polypropylene (PP)                          WKH %ORRPEHUJ UHSRUW  &ODULDQW DQG 3RO\2QH RIÀFLDOV
                                                                 declined to comment to Bloomberg.  There is "no
          Process technology to Bharat                           certainty" that the talks will lead to a deal, according
          Petroleum Corporation Limited                          to the report.A source close to one of the companies
          (BPCL). Located in Rasayani                            said that a deal with PolyOne makes sense, but that
          near Mumbai in Maharashtra,                            private equity buyers may also be interested in the
          India, the proposed world-scale                        &ODULDQW EXVLQHVV   7KH\ GRQ W KDYH WKH V\QHUJ\ RI WKH
          capacity UNIPOL PP facility                            company already in the business, so they might not be
          will produce 450,000 m tpa of                          willing to pay as much as PolyOne," the source said. A
          propylene. BPCL intends to manufacture phthalate-free   deal with PolyOne makes sense since the Avon Lake,
          polymer products for the Indian market using the most   Ohio-based company is in the process of selling its PVC
          advanced PP process and catalysts technology available.  FRPSRXQGLQJ EXVLQHVV WR 6. &DSLWDO 3DUWQHUV IRU
          Grace’s all gas-phase UNIPOL PP Process  Technology    million in cash. That deal is scheduled to close by the
          provides the broadest range of PP homopolymers, random   end of 2019. A PolyOne-Clariant deal would be subject
          copolymers, and impact copolymers in the industry. This   to scrutiny for antitrust issues, since both companies
          process technology has no moving parts inside of the   are major players in the plastics masterbatch market.
          reactor and requires less equipment than any alternative.   Clariant, which is based in Muttenz, Switzerland,
          It is a reliable, safe, and stable operation that leads   has been trying to sell its additives and masterbatch
          to lower capital, operating, and maintenance costs.    EXVLQHVV DQG FRQFHQWUDWH LQVWHDG RQ LWV PRUH SURÀWDEOH
                                                                 pharmaceutical business. Although discussions with
          6KUL 5  5DPDFKDQGUDQ  %3&/·V 'LUHFWRU  5HÀQHULHV  VDLG    PolyOne are said to be the most advanced, there is
          “Investing in the UNIPOL PP process technology gives us the   interest from other companies too, including private
          ability to make a broad range of phthalate-free products   equity investors, the sources added.If PolyOne buys the
          for our customers. As the demand for these advanced PP   business, it would become a world leading supplier of
          products increases in the region, BPCL wants to ensure   color concentrates for plastics. In July, talks fell apart
          that it is using the most up-to-date, reliable, and cost-
          effective technology to meet our customers’ needs.”
          Laura Schwinn, President of Grace’s Specialty Catalysts
          combined with our non-phthalate CONSISTA catalysts, will
          enable BPCL to give their customers the edge they seek in
          catalyst technology and has the broadest portfolio of
          polyolefin catalyst technologies of any independent    WR FRPELQH &ODULDQW V DGGLWLYH DQG PDVWHUEDWFK EXVLQHVV
          polyethylene/polypropylene catalyst producer. Recently    ZLWK SDUW RI 6DXGL %DVLF ,QGXVWULHV &RUS  V HQJLQHHULQJ
          Grace has licensed its UNIPOL® PP Process Technology to   resins business. At the time, the companies said plans
          PetroChina Guangdong Petrochemical Company Limited.    for the joint venture had been shelved due to "current
          The new china facility is slated to be completed in 2023   market conditions," and could be picked up at a later
          and will produce 500 KTA of polypropylene.             stage with a different scope.

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