Page 50 - Plastics News October 2019
P. 50


          Sintex Plastics divests entire stake                   Reliance-BP complete Rs 25,000
          in subsidiary                                          crore investment to revive KG-

                                                                 D6 block
            intex Plastics  Technology Limited  informed the
          Sdivestment of entire equity holding in indirect
          wholly owned subsidiary, Sintex NP SAS last week.  The    eliance Industries (RIL) and its joint venture partner
          company also informed that one of the lenders to Sintex   RBP Plc have completed an investment of around
          %$3/ /LPLWHG KDV ÀOOHG D FRPPHUFLDO VXLW DJDLQVW 6LQWH[   Rs 25,000 crore at its three offshore hydrocarbon
          Plastics, Sintex BAPL and Sintex holding B.V. before the   assets in Krishna Godavari (KG) D6, over the last two
          commercial small cause court at Ahmedabad and obtained
          an ex-parte injunction on dealing with, disposing or
          creating any third party rights or encumbrances or parting
          with the possession of or from alienating the shares of
          Sintex NPSAS, or any part thereof. The company is taking
          all possible measures for vacating the stay granted by
          the commercial court in the interest of the transaction
          and undertaking all such actions to defend its position.
          SPIL has earlier decided on divestment  as a part of
          overall strategy to reduce debt at a consolidated level
          and to ensure adequate funding for domestic business.    years. The JV will invest another Rs 10,000 crore in
          The company maintained that  The management has        the blocks which are slated to commence production
          recognised one time impairment charge of Rs 5000 mn as   between mid-next year and 2022.  The companies
          an exceptional item for investment in SPIL owing to the   expect a production of one billion cubic feet (bcf) of
          ongoing liquidity issues and change in target customer   natural gas a day from its assets when all the three
                                                                 ÀHOGV  5 6HULHV  6DWHOOLWH   0-  VWDUW SXPSLQJ JDV IXOO
          company till the time liquidity constraints are addressed   throttle."Commercial production from R-Series will
          and volumes with the customers in the private sector pick   EHJLQ IURP PLG QH[W \HDU  ZKLOH 6DWHOOLWH DQG 0- ÀHOGV
                                                                 will start selling gas in 2021 and 2022, respectively,"
                                                                 VRXUFHV VDLG  7KH\ FRQÀUPHG WKDW DERXW 5V        FURUH
                                                                 of the overall investment of Rs 35,000 crore committed
                                                                 by RIL and BP has been deployed to erect the deep-
                                                                 water infrastructure. Mukesh Ambani, chairman, RIL
                                                                 said at the last annual general meeting (AGM), "projects
                                                                 WR  GHYHORS  WKHVH  JDV ÀHOGV  DUH  DPRQJVW  WKH  PRVW
                                                                 complex being executed anywhere in the world." RIL-BP
                                                                 received approval for developing MJ (also known as D55)
                                                                 ÀHOG LQ -XQH  0- LV WKH ODVW RI WKUHH QHZ SURMHFWV LQ WKH
                                                                 Block KG D6 integrated development plan. It had earlier
                                                                 UHFHLYHG  DSSURYDO  IRU  WKH  GHYHORSPHQW  RI   5 6HULHV
          up. Sintex Plastic Technology Limited delivers feasible   GHHS ZDWHU JDV ÀHOG LQ -XQH      DQG 6DWHOOLWHV FOXVWHU
          and environment friendly solutions embracing wide      LQ $SULO        7KH  WKUHH  ÀHOGV  WRJHWKHU  KDYH  DERXW
          variety from water storage solutions, interior, energy   3 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of discovered gas reserve.
          solutions, electricity and SMC products, construction   Gas production from KG D6 integrated development
          with prefabricated solutions and meeting the industrial   LV H[SHFWHG WR KHOS UHGXFH ,QGLD V LPSRUW GHSHQGHQFH
          requirements with plastic storage and material         DQG LW ZLOO DPRXQW WR RYHU    SHU FHQW RI WKH FRXQWU\ V
          handling products.                                     projected gas demand in 2022, company sources said.

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