Page 43 - Plastics News October 2024
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              50 years. PVC is 100% mechanical and chemi-            responsibility in Canada. It achieves this through
              cal recyclable and carries the recycling code #3.      a management certification program.
              Various initiatives aim to enhance and promote
                                                                     Industry Leaders Driving PVC Innovation
              PVC recycling, such as:
                                                                     PVC is a highly versatile and valuable material
              +Vantage Vinyl from the Vinyl (PVC) Institute in
                                                                     across industries like construction, packaging,
              the U.S., which advocates for recycling practices
                                                                     plumbing, and electrical insulation. Its adaptabil-
              and sustainability.
                                                                     ity to various applications, along with a strong
              Recovinyl from the European PVC Value Chain,           focus on sustainability, positions PVC as an at-
              which focuses on improving PVC waste collec-           tractive option for many industries. Leading
              tion and recycling in Europe.                          companies in the PVC industry, such as For-
                                                                     mosa, Ineos, Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., and West-
              PVC Stewardship Program from the Vinyl Coun-           lake Corporation, have recognized this potential.
              cil of Australia, which establishes standards for      They have effectively harnessed it to advance
              managing PVC’s environmental impact.                   their operations and drive industry innovation.

              Eco Responsible from the Vinyl Institute of Cana-                               Source – Plastics Engineering
              da drives efforts for recycling and environmental

              Essential Additives for Plastic Modification

                                                                             dditives play a crucial role in improving
                 Plastic modification involves select-                       the performance and lifespan of the
                 ing the right additives to enhance
                                                                     Aproduct, and choosing the correct ones
                 the polymer’s properties, such as                   can significantly affect the final product. Here’s
                 mechanical strength, surface qual-
                                                                     a breakdown of the most common additives and
                 ity, or processability.
                                                                     their specific functions in plastic modification.


                                                                     Lubricants, release agents, and stabilizers are
                                                                     commonly added to plastics to enhance their
                                                                     processing ease during manufacturing.

                                                                     These additives reduce friction and wear during
                                                                     production, enabling smoother molding or extru-
                                                                     sion processes. For example, lubricants can de-
                                                                     crease the viscosity of the polymer melt, making
                                                                     it easier to flow into molds and reducing energy

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