Page 45 - Plastics News October 2024
P. 45
ers to lower production costs without sacrific- ♦ Coupling agents improve adhesion between
ing plastic quality. These additives decrease the different materials, enhancing the overall
need for expensive base resin while preserving structural integrity of the product.
the desired mechanical properties.
Selecting the suitable additives is critical for
♦ Fillers like calcium carbonate are often add- achieving optimal performance and cost-ef-
ed to materials such as piping and packaging fectiveness in plastic modification. By under-
to increase bulk and reduce overall material standing the role of each additive—whether to
costs. improve processability, enhance durability, or re-
duce costs—manufacturers can tailor their plas-
Other Functional Additives for Plastic Modifica-
tic products to meet specific needs while main-
taining high quality and performance.
Additives such as blowing, coupling, and chemi- Source - Plastics Engineering
cal crosslinking agents are used in more special-
ized applications.
♦ Blowing agents create a foam structure,
making them ideal for insulation or cushion-
ing applications.
October 2024 PLASTICS NEWS 45