Page 67 - Plastics News October 2024
P. 67


              Why Use Hot Runner Systems for Injection Mold-


                                                                     thermoplastics and crosslinking plastics (elas-
                                                                     tomers and thermosets). They allow for pre-
                                                                     cise flow control, reducing waste, shorter cycle
                                                                     times, and improved part quality.

                                                                     A Brief History of Hot Runner Systems

                                                                     The hot runner system’s development began
                                                                     in the mid-20th century as industries sought to
                                                                     improve the efficiency of injection molding pro-
                                                                     cesses. In the 1960s and 1970s, the early ver-
                      ot runner systems involve a specially          sions of hot runner systems emerged with the
                      designed manifold that maintains the           company Mold-Masters. Husky Injection Molding
              Htemperature of the plastic melt, allowing             Systems was another significant player in the
              continuous flow through the runners to the mold        early development of hot runner systems. Husky
              cavities without solidification. This technology,      focused on improving hot runner technology to
              which differs significantly from traditional cold      meet the needs of industries requiring precision
              runner systems, has transformed how plastic            molding. In the 1980s, companies like Incoe Cor-
              parts are manufactured, offering a range of ad-        poration, also contributed by introducing new
              vantages in various industries.                        designs that improved temperature control and
              What is a Hot Runner System?

                                                                     -      The key economic advantage of hot run-
                                                                     ner systems is the elimination of material waste.
                                                                     Unlike cold runner systems, where plastic solidi-
                                                                     fies in the runners and must be removed and
                                                                     reprocessed, hot runners keep the material
                                                                     molten, reducing scrap and the need to regrind
                                                                     the runner. This is particularly beneficial when
                                                                     using expensive or technical thermoplastics, as
              A hot runner system consists of a heated mani-         it minimizes raw material costs.
              fold and nozzles in plastics injection molds that      ♦   Additionally, hot runner systems allow for
              keep the thermoplastic material in a molten state
                                                                         shorter cycle times. Since there is no need to
              throughout the molding process. This system is
                                                                         wait for runners to cool, production is faster.
              thermally isolated from the rest of the mold, en-
                                                                         Furthermore, machines can be smaller, as
              suring the plastic stays liquid until it reaches the
                                                                         the absence of large, solid runners reduces
              mold cavities. Hot runners are used for molding
                                                                         the required shot volume and clamping forc-

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